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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Oscar Pistorius, Carnival Cruise, and murdering cops, + Ray Charles on top of all that.

I read the audience of my page today.  Apparently 20 times my page has been viewed by South Africans.  I don't really understand it.  I never really write about anything that appeals to them like apartheid,  Nelson Mandela, vuvuzelas or Bafana Bafana (which simply means the boys, the boys) and the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

And of course I've never written about Oscar Pistorius.  I never liked him.  I was in the minority about him when he was granted eligibility in this year's Summer Olympics.It was not fair for him to race against able bodies and people with all of their legs.  Now that sounds harsh, but Pistorius has no legs which means no leg muscles.  The guy can't cramp or get sore or tired without legs.  I know this seems like I have a lack of sympathy for him.  I do.  But his legs were just unfair to other athletes who can get injured.  Pistorius is now charged with murdering his girlfriend who is a super model in South Africa.  I think those two being together in South Africa is like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in the states, except with two legs instead of four and the  size of the lips are undoubtedly smaller. 

Pistorius and his girlfriend Reeva Sneencamp

The case has gotten crazy as the lead investigator ended up being charged with attempted murder himself.  I also find it disgusting that Pistorius blamed his legs for being the reason he shot his girlfriend through the door.  He claimed to be vulnerable with his legs, panicked when he thought an intruder entered his home and fired bullets into his locked bathroom.  He claims there was no struggle, but why was the door locked?  No one locks the door if they go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, especially if the only one there is your boyfriend.  I'm through with this subject.  I thought I would just talk a little South Africa for my fans over in that country.  Now South Africa is not the foreign country which views my blog the most.  The Russians love  me.  They for some reason have viewed my page 267 times.  Maybe it's because I'm such a pale skinned person, I look as though I am one of them.  I don't know.  

Enough about other countries; we are in the land of the free and the home of the brave, 'Murica.  America the Beautiful.  While Pistorius was over in South Africa slaying his woman, there was a cruise ship with over 4,200  passengers and crew floating with no power or electricity whatsoever.  There were terrible conditions as passengers started using there showers to relieve themselves with no water and the boat was moving at one mile an hour.  I'm not sure how that equates in knots (ship speed measurement) but I do know most people walk faster than a mile an hour.  It took the Carnival Cruise Ship days to get back to shore.  My first question was, this is 2013, why the hell can't they just move the people on to another ship?  It made no sense to me.  I heard the bus taking them to where they needed to be also broke down.  Talk about a bad week. That's worse than living a day in Lindsay Lohan's shoes.  I can't commit to going a week in her shoes.  That may be worse. Read About It here.  

While that ship was lost at sea, Christopher Dorner murdered two cops, a cop's daughter and fiance.  He wrote a manifesto on facebook, saying he would bring warfare down on the LAPD.  There are a lot of conspiracy thories about why he did it.  I believe he was probably bullied by the cops to do something unethical and he didn't want to do and the dude went nuts because he saw no way out.  Desperate men do desperate things. The man supposedly killed himself in a cabin after a long manhunt.  I don't know why he got Whitney Houston status for killing four people, but for some reason people ate up this story.  

Winner of the Day: #JoeyVotto.  Why did I put the hash tag on there?  Well on Twitter if you add #JoeyVotto to any of your tweets, it counts as a vote for Votto to win the face of the MLB contest on MLB Network.  So please go VOTE-O this week.

Loser of the Day: Ryan Braun.  This guy is a complete turd.  He beat the system last year on a technicality and now he's brought up with steroids again.  The guy is a liar and it's obvious you cheated.  Just come clean.  We aren't naive anymore.

Quote of the Day:Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something" - Proverb 

Song of the Day: "America the Beautiful" by Ray Charles

Thought of the Day:  If Stevie Wonder in his prime were to fight Ray Charles in his prime, I believe Ray Charles would win.  I only base that on his agressiveness from the movie.  He would be really agressive in several scenes and he could also take down Stevie with the dreads if it came down to it.

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