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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Click it or Ticket (Another cop bashing Blog)

I've never been pulled over for not wearing my seat belt.  I've been pulled over several times for several different reasons. Some of which I dispute, but not once has it been for not wearing my seat belt.  With that being said, I believe it's unconstitutional to not let me make my own decision on whether or not I want to wear my seat belt.  We've all seen the commercials with the 'Click It or Ticket' campaigns.  First of all, why are all these cops trying to be bullies? Most of the people police fine are the honest, law abiding citizens.  Certainly, no one is perfect and we all bend the rules sometimes, but I have a theory that they really sit around and literally pick on people they know will pay the fines.  

The whole police ticketing thing is all hypocritical, anyway.  If you are an attractive women, you have a far greater chance of getting out of a ticket than a 350 pound man committing the exact same violation.  I find that wrong.  If you are going to ticket people, it shouldn't be at the police officer's discretion based on looks, although I would much rather have an officer give me a ticket than some camera or airplane mailing me one, because at least with an officer there is a witness, no matter how biased he may be about the driver.  There's a human element there and it's kind of like baseball.  Don't let machines call balls and strikes.  We can live with the incorrect calls of an umpire now and then to make our game pure.  Now the umpires seem to be getting worse, but my theory is technology just got better and we can see how bad the umpires actually have been for years.  Some day drones will run this country's law enforcement and that's going to be a bad day.  You wont be able to get away with anything and the government will control are lives more than it already does and books like Fahrenheit 451 will have predicted the future.

I promise.... I'm getting back on track. In this country, we have something called, The Bill of Rights, which is the first ten amendments to the Constitution.  The first one states the following: 

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 

Basically it says, we are free to make our own choices.  Obviously, I'm talking about a seat belt issue.  I should have the right to decide if I want to risk my life in a vehicle without buckling up.  I'm not saying I would, but I say I should have a right to.  I would not be endangering others, which is why laws should be written (to protect others).  We allow people to destroy their bodies by smoking, but you can't drive a car without putting a seat belt on or pay for a ticket.  The cell phone pull over rule is another problem.  Obviously. texting while driving is dangerous, and it should be banned as it does endanger others but the issue is cops don't know whether a person is texting or looking at a GPS map on their phone.  I don't have an answer but it's just something that came to mind while I was writing this.   

Winner of the Day: Lebron James. Hate him or love him, the guy made a layup last night with literally no time left on the clock to win the game.  When he finishes his career, he will be one of the top 3 players of all time.  I'm not sure if he will be #1 yet.  Time will tell.

Loser of the Day: College Grads.  You are graduating at a tough time in the economy and there are very few jobs out there.  College was the easiest part of life.  Good luck.

Quote of the Day: “Our civilization is flinging itself to pieces. Stand back from the centrifuge.” 
― Ray BradburyFahrenheit 451

Song of the Day: Mr. Roboto by Styx

Thought of the day: Be a good person.  Never sell yourself out.  Be yourself.  Don't live life for anyone else and be honest.  


  1. First, you can't get pulled over simply for not wearing your seatbelt. It's a secondary offense in most states, meaning that you have to be pulled over for something else first, and then they can ticket you for not wearing a seatbelt. Texting and driving is also a secondary offense. Secondly, I don't understand directing your hatred towards police officers. If you have a problem with it, take it up with the lawmakers. Police officers are simply doing their job, which is, last time I checked, TO KEEP US SAFE. Third, thousands of people die per year because they sustained injuries that could have been prevented by a seatbelt. Excuse the world for trying to lower the death rate. If you ask me, I think that seatbelts work like Darwinism - if someone is stupid enough to flat out refuse to take a simple precaution, then maybe that's just natural selection at work. Finally, the Bill of Rights protects basic inherent human rights. Your logic in bringing the Bill of Rights into this silly position that you have taken is similar to saying, "The Bill of Rights protects my freedom to choose to murder people." I think that yours is a very immature stance on something that's not even that big of an issue in our country, when you consider everything else that is happening. Next time, write something honoring the lost lives of the Oklahoma tornado victims or something else that's actually important, and leave the weird, random political stances out of it.

    1. whoever you are get your facts straight homie

  2. My grandfather was a police officer as was my great grandfather. My sister's best friend died in a car accident went she was a senior in high school because she wasn't wearing her seat belt. If your head is splattered all over the road, you are endangering others. And you're wasting a lot of people's time in the process of dying there on the road. The first amendment states that people have the right to freedom of religion, press, and to assemble peacefully. It does not say "HEY YOU CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT!" Seat belts have not a single thing to do with the first amendment. And as for biased police officers, that isn't even true. That is an ignorant outlook. I did find out earlier this week that suicide isn't illegal. So if you do die from not wearing your seat belt, it is totally legal.

  3. Welp, it's his blog. He can write whatever he wants to. Next time read something "that's actually important" if you have a problem with it.

  4. 33 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have primary seat belt laws for front seat occupants.

  5. The bias is true. I'm saying that I've been pulled over 6 times with 5 tickets. My mom has been pulled over 9 times with 0 tickets. Umm I think there's some sort of bias there.

  6. I think you need a bigger sample of people to prove your theory. Or maybe you and your mom should drive more safely and not get pulled over.

  7. she hasn't in years but that's not my point. My point is if someone goes 10 miles over the limit, everyone should get the same punishment, not different punishments for different people.

  8. Well I don't think I should make 80 cents on the dollar of what men make, but it's an imperfect world, isn't it?

  9. As a citizen, if I don't want to wear a seat belt, I shouldn't have to. It's hurting no one else. The consequences are already known, so it should be a choice to wear it or not. It seems to be another way to get money from the people who will actually pay the fine! I think it's ridiculous that a police car just sits on the highway to try and catch someone to try and make quota. There are people that I know and love that have been murdered or are still missing for over a year but have yet to find the murderer or missing person.
    There are people who are selling heroine to kids right now. Children who DON'T know the consequences.
    I have had experienced with cops who abuse power and who are just rude and disrespectful because they can be. With that being said, I have also come across some very helpful and caring police officers. Obviously there are exceptions, but most of the experience I have personally had have not been pleasant and I'm a law obeying citizen.

  10. Um, apparently you don't know Mrs. Brooks because if you did you would not say a negative thing about her. So, I would advise you not to do so. She is the most sincere and honest woman in the whole world. She would turn herself in if she ever did anything wrong.
    DO NOT bring her into this.

  11. I can not and will not subject myself to this ignorant sexist shit any longer.

  12. What sexist stuff are you subjecting yourself to?? This blog??

  13. If you are calling me sexist you don't know me. Most of the people I'm around are women and I respect every one of them. And there's no way this blog is related to sexism in any way.

  14. Two things:

    @Nicolette: Didn't David bring his mom into the conversation by saying how many times she had been pulled over and the amount of subsequent tickets she received? Kind of sounds like you directed your comment towards Rachael who only mentioned Mrs. Brooks in response to David's original comment that involved her.

    @David: Sexism goes both ways, so you are being sexist by assuming that the "sexist" comment only referred to sexism toward women. In fact, your original post implies that fat men are the only ones who get tickets which insinuates not only sexism but also sizeism. I'm not saying those are your personal views, but you can't say that your blog is in no way related to sexism, when you discuss many sexist issues on this blog. I'm a longtime reader, and I can point out several sexist implications in your various blogs. Maybe you don't realize you're being sexist, or actually operating through reverse sexism, but it is inaccurate to say that your blog is not related to sexism in any way.

  15. I'm not implying that. That was simply an example. Police profile. It's a fact. They are more likely to pull over a man than a woman. Please point out where I'm being sexist. It's all how you interpret my comments. I know I am not and the people close to me know that. That's all I have to say on that subject. This blog was not about overweight men, or women. It was an EXAMPLE (one of many) of profiling. If you've ever seen any of my relationships (friends or significant others), I have treated women as my equal. I'm a gentleman and I don't live in the dark ages.

  16. and as far as my mother goes, yes I brought her up and yes she is an angel. If people comment on people it would be nice if they knew the person they were talking about before they judge them. That is all. I was again just giving an example to prove my point.

  17. Ya'll are so negative! You make someone not want to fulfill his passion of writing which is bull sh*t.

    Don't talk negatively about someone who is caring, giving, and not sexist.

    When someone feels attacked or accused of sexism of course he is going to think it's about the opposite of his own gender. That's human nature, not being a sexist.

  18. Sometimes my opinions aren't popular but you know what at least I have the courage to say them and stand behind them. I believe O.J. did it but he should've been found not guilty. I believe Casey Anthony did it but should have been found not guilty. Most people are sheep. Not me.

  19. Anonymous# 1 Don't kid yourself, you absolutely can get pulled over for not wearing your seatbelt, not as a secondary offense either! You don't have to worry about that because, the school bus you ride on doesn't require it's passengers to wear seatbelts,ironic no? Rachel,they have a seatbelt law,and yet you can ride virtually unprotected, on a motorcycle w/o wearing a helmet. Hmmm... Nicolette, we still live in a country where we can express our "own" opinion. David, The beautiful,the wealthy,the tall.etc... throughout time have ALWAYS recieved,and will continue to receive preferential treatment! not much you are going to do about it.Either deal with it or get a bus pass!

  20. It's crazy how defensive people get over someone's opinion. If everyone put that extreme concern into real life instead of a keyboard this world would be a better place. Bringing your family into it and stuff, lol.

  21. JUST WANTED TO FILL IN THE IGNORANT PEOPLE... I just got a ticket strictly for not having my seat belt on. $25 contributed to the Sheriff's department.
