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Monday, March 11, 2013

Bellevue Alumni Tourney 2013: All Tournament Teams

Saturday was the 4th annual alumni basketball tournament at Bellevue High School. I have participated the last three years as a member of The Blackout.  We have not won since our debut year and a huge upset over the red team.  Since then we have come close but short every time.  This year we played the eventual champions to a draw at the end of regulation.  We lost in overtime, but it was the best game anyone gave the champs and the most exciting game of the day.  The winner was Brad McIntosh and the Blue team.  The rivalry between his and Jake Ross' team was all of the talk going into the tournament when all of the talk should have been on the pressure of Brad cutting down the nets for the first time.  Brad's rivalry extends back to last year where punches were nearly thrown in an intense physical game.  Brad has a history with this team due to his smack talking on the court.  Jake's team, does however, takes things to the extreme when retaliating.  They were nearly kicked out of being able to play after last season but were allowed to enter again after some negotiating with Dave Slater.  The team ended up facing Brad and his gang twice in the tournament, with no huge fireworks except for a ball being thrown at Brad's face and Jake getting thrown out in the championship.  Overall, the tournament was a success as usual.   This blog is to debut the all-tournament teams:

All Tournament First Team

SF. MVP-Brad McIntosh-Blue Team. Although Brad did not participate in his team's first game, that was their closest.  He lead his team to the largest margin of victory and had key baskets in all of his games.  He was the captain of a talented team and helped his teammates get open baskets.  This is his first All-Tournament First Team appearance.

PG.  Alex Grant-Blue Team.  Alex was the point guard for the eventual champions.  He was the hustler and made things happen for his team, all the while drilling key three pointers down the stretch of many games.

SG. Justin Ross-Orange Team.  Justin was the key player for the team that became the runner up in the tournament.  Brad was quoted as saying that he was worn down by Justin's defense and he is the only person besides The Bradley Stopper (me) who can shut him down.  Well all he did was contain McIntosh, but Justin added key baskets to lead his team to the finals.

SF. Paul Eaglin-White Team. The seasoned veteran. Paul is usually a mainstay on this list and he made it again except he was not surrounded by the usual talent that led his team to the championship in previous years.  Paul was still very good, but came up short this year.

SG. Chris Kilgore-Green Team. Chris was the sharp shooting player on the green that knocked out The Blackout.  Chris helped shoot his team to a 4th place finish in the tournament.  Without Chris, the Green may have been the first team eliminated.

All Tournament Second Team

SG Jimmy Scott-Blackout
PF Steve Baker-Green Team
SG Brandon Hoffman-Red Team
SG Jordan Fogelman-Blue Team
SG Joe Lay-Orange Team

All Hustle Team
PG Alex Grant-Blue Team
PF Justin Caudill-Black Team
SF Austin Kessen-Blue Team
PG David Stefanopoulos-Black Team
PF Chaz Woodyard-Red Team

Head Coach of the Tournament-Stuart Watton Blackout. If not for anything else, for the mustache.

Assistant Coach of the Tournament-Mindy Merritt. For helping coach three teams.

Shoutout of the Day: Jeff Stefanopoulos, because I promised this a while ago.

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