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Thursday, June 6, 2013

To pursue Happiness, and getting your fingers cut off

What is happiness in its purest form?  Is it the innocent laugh of a newborn babe or a relaxing getaway with the love of your life on a vacation of a lifetime? Maybe it's the joy of a player hitting the game winning shot or kissing your new wife for the first time.  The truth is (no I'm not playing that facebook status like game) happiness can be defined in several different ways and is not guaranteed, which is why Thomas Jefferson put "the pursuit of happiness" in The Declaration of Independence.  My mom always says, "Life is what you make it," and there isn't a phrase that can be more true than that.  Money doesn't make people happy. Sure the more money you have may take away some of the stresses you have in life but money also creates more stresses.  That doesn't mean you can't be happy when you make money but I'm also saying you can be happy and not have a dime to your name.  Look back at my mom's saying.  Life is really whatever you want it to be.  This world is just a blank canvas and we all have a different set of paintbrushes, but it's not about the cards you were dealt, it's more about how you play those cards.  I'm using way too many analogies and cliches to get my point across, but I think happiness can be achieved all by how you carry yourself. Here are a few life lessons, free of charge on how to pursue happiness:

  • Don't be miserable and pessimistic.  Sure things may not go your way but you can't sweat them. Life is too short to be angry at petty things, or even big things for that matter.  Look at the lady from the Oklahoma tornadoes a few weeks ago.  Barbara Garcia lost her entire house, but in the rubble she stayed optimistic and thanked God she at least had life, and then her dog, came crawling out of the rubble.  She lost all of her possessions, but she still had her dog.  She was overwhelmed with joy and without a house, or any belongings that survived the horrific disaster, she was still the happiest person on Earth.   The Story

  • Don't hate.  There is a really good movie about hate called American History X.  There is a quote in the movie to the main character, Derek, from his mentor, Sweeney.  He is trying to talk Derek out of all the hate towards any other race and he says, "has anything you've done made your life better?"  When you look at it what is the point of hating?  It's negative energy for no reason.  I know it's a hard thing to do to ask not to hate, as some people may do things to you that cause a feeling of hatred, but even if you do hate, and get angry, it still accomplishes nothing.  You can never achieve happiness when you hate.  Here is another good quote from the movie on the subject by Danny, Derek's younger brother, "So I guess this is where I tell you what I learned - my conclusion, right? Well, my conclusion is: Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it. Derek says it's always good to end a paper with a quote. He says someone else has already said it best. So if you can't top it, steal from them and go out strong. So I picked a guy I thought you'd like. 'We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

  • Do good for others.  Do something nice for someone else at least once a day, even if it's something small.  I try to go into each day making at least one person smile.  I may be having a bad day, yes even I have bad days, and I will still make my best effort to make someone else's day a little better.  That will make you a happier person.  You know how it's more fun to give than receive a Christmas gift? It's the same for spreading cheer.  I know it sounds cheesy but it means a lot to people to just go out of your way to make them smile.  Even a, "hey how are you?" to a stranger may mean the world to them.  

  • Laugh.  Let loose sometimes.  I find that some of the best times are chilling and just letting loose with my good friends.  Be around funny.  I know everyone has a different sense of humor but laughing can and will help you to pursue happiness.  Life is too short to work and be serious all the time. I get there are times to be serious but there are also times when you should enjoy yourself (please no perverted jokes here unless it makes you laugh then by all means do).

These are just a few of many things you can do to help achieve happiness. Happiness is inside you.  Never take life for granted.  I know it's simple but go live.  Don't live for someone else or make someone else your priority do what you want. Find love.  Love your dog. Love your spouse.  Love your significant other.  Just find it somewhere.  Bring your happiness out.  There are so many different ways. A friend of mine on facebook posted this is her happiness (direct quote): "Happiness is whatever gives u that feeling in your stomach that gives u 

butterflies and makes u so excited. It can be anything. Your favorite meal or tv show to the 

love you have always longed for finally come true. My kids give me happiness. When Gracyn 

hugs and kisses me and calls me momom. That's my life, my future my everything and I 

would do anything to see her or Christian smile."  Webster's defines happiness in two ways: 1. a state of well-being and contentment: Joy. 2. a pleasurable or satisfying experience. There are way more definitions than that, but what is your state of well-being?  Don't hold yourself back.  Go and find it.  

Winner of the Day: Shena Moore.  Who is she?  Well I don't know her from Adam, but I do know a family tried holding her down to cut off her fingers and she still has all of the phalanges she was born with, so she is lucky and I am sure HAPPY she still has the fingers. Here is the story and below is the family who tried cutting them off.  They ARE NOT winners.  

Loser of the Day: Major League Baseball.  Why do these guys not get the memo to stop taking the ol' roids?  About 12 people are going to get suspended for taking them making it the most suspensions in professional sports at once.  But dilemma? Would you take them to make millions but the only catch is your reputation would be diminished? Toughie huh? And here's Ryan Braun who is on the list.

Quote of the Day: "For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Song of the Day: Don't Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin

Picture to make you go off your diet of the day:


  1. "Picture to make you go off your diet for the day" lol Hilarious.

    Well written, bud! Good job! Proud of you for looking up to the bright side.

  2. Great job and great list of life lessons.

  3. Beautiful definitely made me cry. Life right now is so much uncertainty and I get very overwhelmed with the bad that I forget about the good so its nice to be reminded it could be so much worse. Sometimes happiness is just the sun in your face after its rained for a week straight. I didn't know why God put us on this path together and I have known u almost 4 years now and u never cease to amaze me with your intelligence, kindness, compassion and beautiful blogs that seem to either always make me laugh or cry but more importantly make me stop and appreciate.thank u my friend
