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Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I am writing this blog today from the comfort of my own home.  My readers usually expect these in the morning, but I hope they like a little night cap.  I am getting fairly busy at work so I'm going to try to write my blog in the evenings because I have a million thoughts swirling in my head I'd love to share with you all.  Friends come in all shapes and sizes, races and gender, ages and income levels.  You may see some daily and others you may see once a year.  We all have that friend who will have your back no matter what.  You can fight with them and the next day you both shake it off like nothing happen.  We have the friend who we call when we are in trouble and know they will be there to help with no questions ask and expect nothing in return.  They forgive and forget.  They see you laugh and see you cry.  They pick you up when you are feeling down and help you with questions when you are stuck at work.  They pick up your heart when it is ripped to pieces and put it back again.  They help you through relationships; support you even if they don't always approve.  They are critical, but only because they care.  They know what you are going to order even before you even know.  They put you first when others put you last and make you feel better just by ripping off a one liner.  They meet you for lunch when you have no one else to ask.  They defend you when you aren't there.  They treat you like a brother.  They let you lean on their shoulder when the times get rough and you return the favor whenever you can.  Good friends don't have to brag or gloat; they are just part of your script that is life.  They are there to tell your stories when you can't remember.  They are there to celebrate when you graduate or get a promotion.  They pick up right where they left off even when you go weeks without seeing them.  They are there to talk when all you want to do is chat.  They will take you in when you have nowhere else to go.  They are your friends.  I would say, "Just say thank you,"  but don't because they already know.  Don't forget to be the best friend you can be, because you never know when someone needs you most. To my friends, I love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Great read David...I enjoyed this one a lot :)
