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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Random Thoughts on Skittles, movies based on books, Ipods, and CoCo Cordero

Random Thoughts

So when you eat Skittles, and I know you have all eaten them at some point in your life, are you the type to eat one at a time to taste every flavor or are you the type to just throw a handful of Skittles in your mouth all at once.  I'm a handful guy.

It really busts my balls when someone watches a movie based on a book and in turn, complains that the movie wasn't as good as the book.  You should know going in the movie isn't going to be the same as a book.  A book goes deep into character thoughts, which is really hard for a movie to do.  It is only based on a book as much as a movie is based on a true story.  Your expectations cannot be very high to begin with.  You have to judge both mediums as separate entities.  Think about the process...someone reading a book, must then write a script based on the book and a director then makes a movie based on how he interprets the script.  It goes through several hands.  With that being said, I believe there are hardcore readers who want to still expect the movie to be like the book word for word, and some movies have made it close, but it will never be perfect.  I've read very few books in my life, but To Kill a Mockingbird is one I have read and the movie stuck to it pretty well.  It is possible to make a good movie based on a book that is nothing like the book as well.  Like I said you have to separate the mediums and not judge them against each other.  Just go into the movie based on your favorite book and expect little.  Whenever I go into a movie, regardless of whether it's based on a book, the lower my expectations, the better I feel about it, so expect to be disappointed.  It always works for me.

The Reds are not bringing back Francisco Cordero for sure now as they signed Ryan Madsen.  Madsen closed for the Phillies last year, but let me be the first to thank Mr. Cordero for his contributions to the Reds over the years.  He was signed for $48 million which is far more than this market can afford, but I think he lived up to it.  Sure every save was shaky, but more often than not he did close the door.  We just remember the losses, but he was a vital part of the Division champion team in 2010 and he was one of the most accurate closers in the game during his stretch here.  He was also a good community guy and he took the blame and owned up to it when he had a bad day, but was still there to take the ball the next.  He was a mentor to the younger Latino pitchers and was a father figure to some of them including Aroldis Chapman.  I will miss Francisco Cordero, but welcome Mr. Madsen.  You have big shoes to fill and let's hope you slow my heart rate down at the end of games unlike your predecessor.

 My Ipod Classic has seen better days.  The darn thing is not playing my music for some reason.  Technology can be cruel sometimes.  I refuse to upgrade to the touch, because I need a lot of gigs to carry around my diverse music collection.   Somehow the Classic still runs for $250.00 which is ridiculous, but Apple is like McDonald's, they get you at a young age and you get hooked.  I am more of a PC guy than a Mac.  Mac people, sorry if I offend some of you, are like a cult.  I own an Ipod but I hate having to pay for just flashyness.  The Ipod is clearly better than any other mp3 player but when it comes to computers, it's just looks to me.  I've worked extensively on both computer systems, and I love the presentation of the Mac.  It seems cleaner.  Maybe it's because looking at Windows everyday gets old.  Speaking of that I wish the old games like Golf from Windows 3.11 still came on the new versions.  Anyway, some programs that I used in school for editing like FinalCut Pro only was made for Macs and I thank Mac for running them but I still believe that both systems can do the same things and the PC is just cheaper.  That's just my opinion.
Winner of the Day: Stacy Keibler,  the former wrestler and current girlfriend of NKU's pride and joy, George Clooney. She has a ground rule for the actor... he can't play pranks on her .  What a ridiculous demand.  I mean he's not Ashton Clooney.  If I was Clooney, I'd prank her then walk out and never look back.  Who is she? Except an ex wrestler. The story...if you want to call it a story.

Loser of the Day: Joran Van Der Sloot.  Remember, he killed that Halloway girl in Peru but it kind of got swept under the rug?  Well his ugly mug killed someone else and he pleaded guilty.  He's pathetic.  Read here.

Quote of the Day: "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."-Robert Frost

Song of the Day: Life goes On by Tupac Shakur

Word of the day: Music Slut.  Basically it's definition is someone who listens to a variety of music and doesn't just stick to one genre.

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