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Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Only Time I will bring up Politics in this 2012 Election & Jesus is Back

I have the right to vote.  I voted in every single presidential election and most other elections since I turned 18 and was eligible to vote.  That means I voted in 2004 and 2008.  I am registered republican, but many of my views are not conservative or liberal they are kind of in the middle.  I used to be really into politics, but lately all they do is make me sick.  Nothing ever gets done because frankly both sides refuse to budge.  Nothing ever gets passed and the economy goes down, gas prices go up, and the morale of this country in general goes down.  That's the problem with people.  They are all talk and never listen.  Your ears are your most powerful tool.  They will never get you in trouble you know.  They help you to gather information and learn unlike the mouth which if you are always preaching how can you learn.  If people just listened to each other, problems would get solved.  People need to be nicer, also.  I am considered in many circles to be a nice person, which is scary because I feel like I'm mean often.  It scares me because if I am considered nice, how mean is everyone else? Everyone seems to have road rage all the time.  Even when they aren't in a car if that makes any sense.  I got cut off twice yesterday with people merging into my lane after the cut this massive line, but I let them go.  Some may ask, "Why didn't you get all up on their bumper and honk and scream?" Well that just isn't me.  I believe in paying it forward, not so much karma.  I am not very superstitious, but I believe in paying it forward, like the movie.  Do something nice for someone else and they hopefully will pay it forward to someone else.  I also believe everything happens for a reason.  I don't understand why our country is put in the hands of the dirtiest people in the United States but there is reason I guess.  Whether you are republican or democrat, independent or libertarian, I don't care.  Politicians do not look out for you.  They look out for their own gain.  They throw everyone they can under the bus so they can achieve office.  A lot of the times they use that power to trick some girl into sleeping with them, but that's neither here nor there, hence the plot of  The Ides of March.  

Politics are so nasty and hateful, and politicians are on the ball of everything, my plan this and his plan that, but they forget about two things: actually doing anything about it and most importantly you.  The government  as so poetically stated in Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, is "of the people, by the people, and for the people.  Lately it's been of Barack Obama, by Mitt Romney, and screw the people.  I am not anti-government.  I am just anti-politicians.  Winning president does not mean do in 4 years something people remember so you get 4 more years.  How about doing something because you lead this great country of ours?  I know throughout history, no power has ever survived.  Egypt crumbled, Rome was defeated, England lost to us, and the U.S.A. will not be on top forever.  With that being said, with the right leaders we can be for some time, but where they come from is a tough question. Obama isn't the answer, but neither is Romney.  After this election, I don't see a bright future for our country.  I see republicans fighting with democrats, and the stalemate will continue and to quote Lady Gaga, the only victims will be, "You and I."  Who will I vote for? Who cares? 

Winner of the Day: Jesus.  After Touchdown Jesus was destroyed in a storm up in Monroe, Ohio, a new structure was put in his place. article here.

Loser of the Day: Jesus' wife.  Yes a Massachusetts professor is claiming Jesus cited having a wife in an ancient script.  She loses because if she existed, Jesus obviously didn't give her enough attention to be noticed for 2,000 years. The Story.

Quote of the Day: "Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want." - Jim Rohn

Song of the Day: Neil Diamond "Coming to America"

Cool Jesus picture of the Day:

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