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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fall...uh I mean Autumn is Here, the McRib, and Cats in weird places

Summer is finally coming to an end.  I usually consider summer being Memorial Day to Labor Day, with the much over-rated WEBN Fireworks being the grand finale for this city (You can read my thoughts on the fireworks from a blog I wrote in September of 2011 here:  Gosh does summer seem like the longest season there is?  I am a male; I love cooler weather.  Fall could be my favorite season.  I'm going to refer to fall as autumn for the rest of this blog just because it sounds cooler.  Anyways back to summer.  Do the seasons take the feel of the sport that is played in them?  Look at baseball.  It's such a slow paced game.  Each 9 inning game seems like it is a marathon, much like a summer day.  It seems like 45 hours are in each day in the summer.  Sure you have plenty of things to fit into the long day from grillouts to swimming to vacations to hiking (well I hear some people do such things; not my thing but if you do it in the summer more power to you).  The day is still long.  The sun beams down on you all day. Each drip of sweat is replaced by another.  I know that you look forward to summer as a kid, but not so much when you have a job.  It kind of sucks wearing pants and a collared shirt out in 100 degree weather and let's not even bring up Cincinnati's humidity.  Anyway, I'm happy the season of outdoor concerts, beer, Nascar, and baseball season ends.  As you know I'm as big of a baseball fan as anyone.  I actually watch as many games as possible or at least listen to them.  Most people think I'm crazy for watching so much of a boring sport, but I'm old school and I like it.  With that being said, a season of 162 games is grueling and long and by the end of the summer you are just ready for it to be over.  The best baseball is played in autumn anyway.  The Reds are on the verge of making it to the playoffs for the second time in two years.

They have a legitimate shot at the World Series which I'm excited about.  The last time the Reds won the World Series was 1990 when I was starting kindergarten and Chris Sabo was patrolling 3rd base. I will be rooting for them throughout these playoffs when most seasons I sit and watch the Reds hoping they stay competitive until football season came along so I don't get bored.  Now the Reds are going good and they are going to be playing in autumn, a much better season than the blistering heat that is summer.  I used to say when I owned a house, I just wanted a room designed like a beer cave, but not for beer; just for me to cool off when I am sweating bullets after destroying everyone in sand volleyball which I only like to do at night even though the humidity is still high but the sun isn't slicing through the particles in my t-shirt which I love going up to NKU playing volleyball when all these built dudes think they're going to destroy us (I know this is a long run on sentence) and then they go and play us and we put them in their place.  I do play during the day in leagues, which my team took home the first place trophy for the third time in five years this year.  Shout out to them.  I named our team Back on Top before the season as a risky cocky play, and as it turned out we cut down the nets.

Back to what I was trying to write about, autumn.  Autumn is the season that comes with a smell.  It has this smell in the breeze that takes you back to cow bells and high school football games.  You smell turkey and dressing, pumpkins being carved, leaves being burned and polish on the gym floor of your favorite basketball team.  You go to Bengals tailgates and complain how the team will never be good without having someone other than Mike Brown calling the shots.  You watch your favorite basketball team take the court for the first time in Midnight Madness which isn't midnight anymore which is kind of like calling the Big10, "The Big10" with having 12 teams, but whatever.   You get to dress up once a year and be whatever you want in autumn which is an awesome concept.  I mean for one day, I was William Wallace.

Autumn is a time of cool weather, with a rough neck sport carrying you through most of the season.  Autumn is a time to gather around a campfire, more so than in the summer time.  It is a time to be thankful for what you have and go out and be a complete hypocrite and buy a whole bunch of complete crap the next day. Gosh I feel like with the way I'm writing today, there should be some awesome like classical music playing in your head while you read.  If you made it this far you are a trooper.  Anyway, I'm happy autumn is here.

Winner of the Day: Summer, because it beat the living daylights out of me every day since Memorial Day.

Loser of the Day: Anyone who loves the McRib.  If you didn't hear McDonald's delayed the McRib's release until December.  I'm sorry for all of you fans of this gross sandwich.

Quote of the Day: "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."-Albert Camus

Song of the Day: You've Got A Friend by James Taylor

Odd Tattoo of the Day:

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