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Friday, September 2, 2011

The WEBN Fireworks suck, Bra thieves, and panties on the Highway

You can smell it in the air. Burning kerosene, warm beer, stinky people, and burning gases and gunpowder.  That means only one thing, the WEBN fireworks are this weekend.  If you want to head down to see the "wonderful" sparks light up the sky (sarcasm) be prepared to run into millions of rednecks looking to do the same thing.  Some will start camping out 24 hours early for the perfect spot on the flood wall.  Some will come late and truck through you to get to the spot they want.  Others will pay up to 120 dollars for a good spot.  They banned alcohol but some lots allow tailgating so it's pointless.  The fireworks will be the same as any other year.  They will try to spell "WEBN" and the letters will come out crooked.  They will do a waterfall off of a bridge.  The finale will be a bunch of loud booms and they will never announce who yells louder between Kentucky and Ohio so why even have the contest?  My take on the event: THE WEBN FIREWORKS ARE OVERRATED! Waiting in traffic after is always fun too.  I'd avoid them at all cost unless you want to get pushed around by fat sweaty guys with bed bugs, and get separated from your friends and family, this event is for you.  If I ever want to hang out with drunk hillbillies, I'll head down to the Dayton Eagles.  

Speaking of hillbillies, did you hear these two stories?  In Lancaster, Ohio hundreds of panties were discovered along a road.  Some were worn, some weren't.  They were up in trees and everything.  Why would someone do this?  Here's the whole story.  

Another hilarious story involving women's undergarments is that in Colerain, a Hispanic couple made off with 66 bras totaling over $3,000 from Victoria's Secret. What's the deal with the underwear being in the news lately? The link to the story.

One bonus hillbilly left her child in the car on a 97 degree day with no air conditioning.  When are these mothers going to start realizing this is never acceptable, nor cool (pun intended)? Read about her here.

On this day, back in 1996, Michael Jackson debuted his 12th and final solo number 1 hit, "You are Not Alone," one of my favorite Michael Jackson songs.

Winner of the Day: David.  Not Me but that David that beat Goliath in the bible.  You may ask, why is this current?  This happened thousands of years ago.  Well a new discovery shows that David did not use a stone to take down the giant, but an angry bird was his weapon.

Loser of the day: A woman that found her potential employers dead.  Yes this happened.  A chick was going for an interview for a professional assistant.  When she showed up she discovered her two potential employers dead.  The story.

Quote of the day: "Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company."-Mark Twain

Comment of the day: I have to give it to myself.  This may be a new staple on the blog.  I won't let myself win often. On Clint's status, I posted this...

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