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Friday, September 23, 2011

Relationship Advice Edition 1: Topic Ten rules on who to date

Hello everyone, I soved my first anonymous fan, but I seem to have another.  Come forward.  Tell me who you are.

Anonymous said...

The ONLY reason pot isn't legal is because the cannot find a way to tax a plant that basically grows wild. If they could have taxed it, it would have been legal in the '60s. BTW - it is not a 'gateway' drug. The gateway is the persons addictive personality and not being able to tell your peers to fuck off! Love your blogs. And call me "2". I'm not the anonymous you wrote about today.:)

Anyway, back to the real blog and normally I would write my relationship advice column but I did not have anyone write in so here goes a stab in the dark with relationships.  

First rule: Date someone who has a lot in common with you but not everything in common with you.  There has to be enough differences to be able to make it work.  

Second rule: Date someone who likes you for you.  Do not change for anyone.  Don't put on a front at the beginning as someone you are not.  It isn't fair for either party.

Third rule: Date someone who is into you.  If they make an excuse now and then about why they can't hang out, and everyone else in his/her life comes before you, not worth it.

Forth rule: Date someone who pushes you.  Don't just date someone because it is convenient.  Date someone who brings the most out of you.

Fifth rule: Date someone who makes your day, just by thinking about them.  

Sixth rule: Date someone who has loyalty, honesty, and trust.  Without these three things, doom would be inevitable.

Seventh rule: Date someone who puts you before him/herself.  

Eighth rule: Date someone you are physically attracted to.  No I am not shallow but I must say this because if there is absolutely no physical chemistry, things will end in disaster.

Ninth rule: Date someone who is there for you when times are good and bad.

Tenth rule: Date someone who makes you happy.  Laughing, smiling, caring.

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