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Monday, September 19, 2011

Emmy's, Police, and Bill Maher/Charlie Sheen not Winning!

So the red carpet is out and the Emmy's went on last night which is like Freshman Football.  The Golden Globes are JV and the Academy Awards are varsity.  I missed the show, but it looks as though if you watched these things, just like last year, you would think that no one in Hollywood is straight.  The host: Jane Lynch: Lesbian.  Every show creator seems to be thanking his husband and the females even are gay.  Modern Family tore it up again.  I've only seen a couple of episodes of the show, but I think the only straight guy in Hollywood plays the best gay guy on television (the fat one).  Melissa McArthy won for best lead actress in a comedy for Mike and Molly.  I used to like that show but the story line has been the same for too long.  Charlie Sheen appeared at the awards.  He looked sincere as he wished "nothing but the best" for his Two and a Half Men co-stars.  The dude looked all cleaned up.  I wonder if he sobered up because he stopped winning and became white noise to all of us who have a brain.

Most critics gave the show a 'thumbs up' and I'd have to see them to know but I'm of the opinion that there doesn't need to be a host at these things.  It wastes time.  The jokes they give at awards shows seem to bomb nowadays.  America misses Bob Hope and Billy Crystal.  Jane Lynch is funny but only to a niche crowd.  The critics.

Now here is a rant.  So police officers?  What the hell?  I was on driving probation with my licence almost suspended for nearly 6 months for a couple of speeding tickets and running a stop sign (which I never ran).  Why is it that these guys can continuously drive after getting DUI after DUI and a law abiding citizen like me gets thrown under the bus for allegedly speeding?  Why do the kick off a group of us from playing football on a public city field?  They don't have anything better to do? There are worse things going on in this world.  And pulling into a parking lot and then asked for your licence and registration 5 seconds after you pulled in? WOW! This mall cop looking guy did that to me last night. To quote a close friend, "ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh."  Let's take down rapists, murderers, embezzlers, thieves, drug dealers, child molesters, or any other more serious crime.  Wow that sounds like I just described the rap genre.  Speaking of rap, the N.W.A., were right, "F*** the police."

Winner of the Day:JIM PARSONS. He won a rare repeat in the best lead role in a comedy series category at the Emmy Awards.  It is the best sitcom on television right now and probably the best since Everybody Loves Raymond.  Two and a Half Men had a great run but the writing for Big Bang Theory is way better. Two and a Half Men got way too sexual.

Loser of the day:Bill Maher.  He went 0-27 in nominations after losing again this year.  How pathetic is that?  It's kind of pathetic and it should be like baseball.  It should be hard to go on that big of a losing streak.  Eventually you'll win one accidentally or something.

Quote of the day: "There's nothing bigger in life than the little things."-Vanilla Sky

Song of the day: Then by Brad Paisley

Dance of the day: The Yeti Stomp

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