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Monday, September 12, 2011

I Believe Monday, Dogs eat owner, The NFL Opens, and Sam Jackson movies

So it's September 12, so the serious blog days are in the past and I'm back to my normal format.  How did I spend my Patriot Day? Well of course watching the Opening Weekend in the NFL.  I have some observations, let's go with three, so ladies out there bear with me; the beginning of this blog will be about sports.

1. The Bengals will not go 0-16.  Yes.  My hometown team won this weekend which was sort of shocking considering how terrible they looked in the 2nd and 3rd quarters.  Jay Gruden pulled a rabbit out of a hat with his play from 2nd stringer Bruce Gradkowski to AJ Green in the 4th quarter.  Wow, 1-0 is all that matters so as Paul Daugherty says, there is joy in Mudville (|topnews|text|Bengals). 

2. Peyton Manning is everything to the Colts.  So the Colts look like the Bengals usually do without Manning at the helm.  Maybe the Colts shouldn't put all of their eggs in one basket.  Manning isn't Bruce Willis from Unbreakable nor is he Brett Favre.  He's going to get hurt.  They had time to prepare for time without Peyton.  

3. The age old debate, Fantasy or hometown team?  I found myself watching football this past week differently than years past.  I'm in the second year of a fantasy league that I pay a good amount of money for.  I was rooting for players to score touchdowns in blowouts.  I didn't really look at the scores of these games.  Fantasy football is slowly changing the game that we all love.  I'm not sure it's for the best either.  I will always be a Bengals fan.  I don't mind losing my fantasy game as long as they win but the line is getting blurred.

I Believe Monday
I believe that it is awkward when there is a buss full of empty spots, someone comes and sits right next to you.  I believe that it is absolutely absurd to believe the government planned 9/11 whether you are republican or democrat. I believe in fate.  I believe WCW Nitro was better than WWF Raw.  I believe that Marvin Lewis actually believes in this team.  I believe that patience is a virtue and this world is forgetting it.  I believe Barak Obama gets re-elected only if the tea party splits the republican vote.  I believe Gapper is the stupidist mascot in all of sports.  I believe that girls should never play male pro sports i.e. Annika Sorenstam.  I believe that Nascar drivers are NOT athletes. I believe Ides of March will actually be a good movie.  I believe that everything happens for a reason.  I believe there is a higher power and that higher power has a sense of humor.  

TOP 5 Samuel L. Jackson Movies

5. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.  Okay Mace Windu was basically Sam Jackson with a light saber.  He played himself.  Fighting evil and dying in this flick.  This is the best of the 3 newer Star Wars films and Sam Jackson steals the show whenever he is on screen.  QUOTE FROM SAM: "May the Force be with us all." 

4. Snakes on a Plane.  You may be thinking, "What?" Yes without Sam this would've been an awful movie with awful actors and an awful plot.  Sam saved the day with his demands that the movie be called "Snakes on a Plane (it was originally going to be called that but in production they changed the name and Sam said he signed on to do 'Snakes on a Plane' so they changed the name back).  QUOTE FROM SAM: "Enough is enough.  I've had it with these mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane." 

3. Jurassic Park.  Sam doesn't have a major role in this flick but again he steals the show... He also dies in this movie and his arm is found.  He's a smart, confident, chain smoking fool in this movie. QUOTE FROM SAM: "Hold on to your butts."

2. Goodfellas. Yeah he's barely in this film but he plays a hilarious wannabe black gang member named Stacks who drives a getaway truck but falls asleep at the wheel and gets whacked.  So yet again he dies.  QUOTE FROM SAM: "This drink is better than sex, baby."

1. Pulp Fiction.  What else?  Jules Winfield is one of the greatest characters in cinematic history. He has a great sense of humor, a great attitude, hates eating pig, a jerricurl, and intelligent conversations.  He actually doesn't die in this movie, but a lot of other people do including his partner.  QUOTE FROM SAM: "'What' ain't no country I've ever heard of. They speak English in What?" 

Winner of the Day: This kid.  Don't have a basketball hoop?  Well improvise.

Loser of the Day: John Wayne Gacy. Why do people dress in clown makeup, get teenage boys to work for them, then rape them and bury them under their house?  Ask Gacy...second from the right. Notice 'It' is Jesus in this picture.  

Quote of the Day: "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee."- Jules Winfield (Samuel L. Jackson), Pulp Fiction (Ezekiel 25:17)

Comment of the Day: Some dude I don't know named Santiago Vega on Chris McCulley's status.

Stupid Pet Owner of the Day: This guy.  He abandoned his dogs on vacation for two weeks and when he returned they ate him.  I'd say he deserves it and I'm not even an animal rights person. READ THIS SICK/SAD STORY HERE!

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