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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Muffintops, French Toast, Busts my Balls, and exploding toilets

As I sit here eating Wendy's breakfast for the first time in my life (average at best for fast food breakfast; way worse than McDonald's.  Overall rating 1.5 out of 5 stars) you, referring to my loyal readers, will have to bare with me as I do a little self promotion.  You may or may not know that I have an ongoing YouTube series called Busts My Balls.  We just posted the 8th edition of the show that spans at least five years.  The 8th is our longest episode, 30 minutes and had to be broken into two parts.  Busts My Balls VIII: Four Ball; One Bra also makes history as it marks the first time in history there has been a female guest host on the show.  Please watch the show.  You may laugh.

If you missed any of the previous episodes, here they are!

If you are curious, I rank VIII as the second best behind 2.  The original is probably third followed by 3, then 4, 5, 7, and 6.

Now to the blog.  Which do you prefer, french toast or pancakes? If I had to choose one to eat for the rest of my life, I'd have to choose french toast although I do choose pancakes sometimes at restaurants over the french toast or freedom toast as we are supposed to call it now.  Sorry to my 7th grade home ec group for ruining our french toast project and getting us a "D" on the assignment.  I had never cooked before that and didn't realize if you left the bread in the mix too long it would suck up every bit of it.  I have since gotten better at cooking....slightly.

Now as a male I have had some explosions in the toilet, but in Washington a toilet exploded on a woman causing injuries but she is still alive. UMMM read this.

This one is for my girl, Mindy.  She's really into dogs.  Like if she could date a dog, her live in boyfriend would be kicked to the curb.  She helped rescue a stray dog yesterday actually... But anyway this deformed dog was rescued from the trash and learned how to walk.  Just a feel good story for your Tuesday morning.Here y'all go.

Sorry about the shortness of the blog today but I have a meeting at 9:30 so I have to get this thing written.

Winner of the Day: Kim Kardashian.  She won Parade Magazine and omg!'s most annoying celebrity.  I don't really know why.  She looks amazing and seems really nice.  What does she do to annoy you all? Read it here.
Loser of the day: People who believe Facebook chain statuses.  They will NEVER charge.  It has been made very clear.  That stuff is made up.  Come on people. If they were to charge, Zuckerburg would give us plenty of notice himself. 

Quote of the Day: "Life's a dance.  You learn as you go.  Sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow."-John Michael Montgomery

Song of the day: Ms. Jackson by Outkast

Word of the day: Muffintop. It is basically when a woman's bodily shape puffs out like a muffin above their pants.

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