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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mike Tython, Charlie Sheen, Giant Sloths, Living Forever, and Diabetes...oh and Chaz is still in on DWTS

Okay so I'm a day late, but I finally got around to watching the Roast of Charlie Sheen.  Overall, it was okay but definitely not the best roast Comedy Central has ever done.  No Lisa Lampenelli.  No Greg Geraldo. No Snoop Dogg.  No Pam Anderson.  The roast did however have the show stealing, Iron Mike Tython, my bad, Tyson.  Tyson looked to be having a great time, but he still is the most sexist person in the world living up to his 'I won't do an interview with a woman unless I fornicate with them' self.  Iron Mike is such an awesome guy.  I know he rubs people the wrong way but I think he's one of the funniest athletes.

Jeff Ross was by far the funniest roaster.  He was dressed in a Moammar Gadhafi outfit.  His jokes threw down more zingers than Charles Barkley could eat.  Speaking of zingers, what's better Twinkies or Zingers?  I'm a twinkie guy I eat them on occassion but I LOVE those red coconut zingers.  The chocolate are okay too.  Either way you can get deep fried zingers, twinkies, and oreos at Bard's Burgers in Latonia.  Never had their deep fried stuff but I have had their fries.  A lot of people say, to die for but I'm still telling you the french fries at Rio Grande, still the best I've had.  You have to go to a Mexican restaurant to get the best FRENCH fries.  This world makes no sense.

Speaking of no sense.  I hated some of the jokes that were being said about Patrice O'Neal.  I know it's a roast and I know they know what they are getting into but talking about diabetes and feet getting cut off is not cool.  This is a sensitive subject to me for obvious reasons.  Charlie Sheen did alright but he had so much practice from the roast tour he was booed off of that it just comes natural.  Eric "the Red" Davis was there in the audience which was cool.  


Switching Gears
So since the blog switched to a somber mood, does anyone really want to live forever?  You'd have to watch everyone you love and care about die and make new way younger friends than you and if you were to live forever it would have to be like Tuck Everlasting style where you just stay the same age and not Green Mile style where you slowly get really old.

So Chaz Bono, is still on Dancing With The Stars.  Ron Artest was eliminated.  That's about all I know from that show.

Winner of the Day: Charlie Sheen. Because he's 'already won.'

Loser of the day: The dead body.  Some woman stole a hearse in West Virginia. Wow. HERE IS THE STORY

Quote of the Day: Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second. -William James

Song of the Day: Everything you Want by Vertical Horizon

Extinct animal of the day: Obviously the giant sloth.  Look at this creature.  I wish it still lived.  It was the size of trees.  I hear they make good pets.


  1. Defiantly one of the best blogs yet. I don;t know if you knew or not but greg geraldo is dead and was unable to make this roast. But on the topic I think the white girl that nobody knows ended her career with the Ryan Dunn joke, not that I am a huge fan but you dont joke about peoples dead friends. And am I the only one to realize that Twilight ripped off Tuck Everlasting???

  2. First of all thank you for the compliment. Secondly I agree with you on the blonde chick. and yeah she was just far as Twilight goes I know very little so I will have to take your word for it.... So who is this?
