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Friday, September 9, 2011

Where were you on September 11, 2001?

Sunday marks the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.  I do not write blogs on Sunday so here are my thoughts.  Everyone remembers where they were when it happened.  I was a junior in high school and we had just switched from first bell to homeroom (Why homeroom followed first bell, I will never understand).  There were some rumblings about some crazy stuff going on in my first bell but no one realized how crazy.  I walked into Mr. Runyan's homeroom class and he had the TV on the news, which was strange. It was hard to make out much on the tiny television but I saw a burning building.  I turned to a friend of mine and said, "They hit another embassy? It's like everyday now."  My friend said to me, "Nah man, they hit New York.  The World Trade Center."  My jaw just dropped.  Mr. Runyan was on the phone with Ms. O'Neill and picked up his remote and changed it to the Today Show.  He hung up the phone, and announced to the class, "They just hit the Pentagon."  That is when fear shot through my veins.  I remember thinking, this happens to other countries, not us.  And when that second plane hit the towers, I gasped.  I remember seeing clouds of dust and flying papers, people struggling to breath, covered is soot. Stories then followed about the heroic passengers of United 93 and taking down the plane, the terrorists and themselves before it could hit another building.  Then stories of firefighters and policemen risking their own lives to save people in the towers, but the footage I will never forget are when they started showing people jumping to their deaths as the towers burned.  Heartbreaking.  We didn't do a thing in any class that day.  We were watching one of the saddest moments in our country's history. I remember going home and EVERY channel from NBC to CBS to MTV to ESPN to Nickelodeon were showing the events.  The country was in total shock.  Where were you on 9/11/01?

Winner of the Day: The policemen and firefighters of 9-11.

Loser of the Day: The 9-11 Terrorists.

Quote of the Day: "Our enemies have made the mistake that America’s enemies always make. They saw liberty and thought they saw weakness. And now, they see defeat." - George W. Bush, President of the United States

Comment of the Day: Bob Runyan

Song of the Day: "Where were You When the World Stopped Turning" by Alan Jackson.

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