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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Special Edition: Things to do before I die: Updates and a new list!

Today out of complete lack of subject matter I will visit a couple of different blog entries from the old myspace days, things to do before I die.  Explainations highlighted in red means I have not completed them, or never wanted to.  Green highlighted means they have been completed.

From June 3, 2007

Things to do Before I die

Current mood:calm
1. Have a son named Carson Bradley (After Carson Palmer of course) - No longer do I want this to happen.  I still like the name Carson but will never name my child that after Carson Palmer
2. Go to a Super Bowl- Still haven't had the chance.
3. Go to a Homerun Derby.-Please All Star game come to Cincinnati so I can accomplish this.
4. See someone besides Alan Jackson in concert.-I have now seen Journey in concert along with Heart!
5. Get Married.- :( Not yet
6.  Be in Love (again)- I think there is the potential of this happening much sooner than later.
7. Have my own house.- When I get married I will get a house, I will be moving into an apartment in the November/December range hopefully.
8. Me and Sarah to beat Zach (Lucas) and Justin (Caudill) in basketball.- This has happened several times.
9. See Homer Bailey pitch.-Been there.  Done that.  He seems to lose every time I go though.  I remember back when I wrote this he wasn't getting a fair shake.
10. Find David McDaniel and many other firends I have lost touch with.- David started hanging with my cousin Mike Vawter so we have been in touch and crossed paths a couple of times.
11. See Sarah graduate.- She made it.  High school not college yet.
12. Be a video editor.-Unfortunately I'm working in a different field but I am still happy.
13. Start the Diesel Awards back up again.- I began this blog and brought back the main awards, winner and loser of the day.
14. Finally start that Wiffleball League we've been talking about.-A wiffleball league at NKU was started in my honor by Bob McCoy.  They play every season for the Brooks Cup.  Also there was a league one summer we ran.
15. Learn How to 2-Step- Yes I did kind of well as well as a white person can.
16. Make new friends as often as possible.-I have made several new friends since this.  We'd be here forever if I named everyone.
17. Drink a can of Tab.- Don't think I have yet, and why is this on here?
18. Have school pizza again.- Still wishing
19. Eat 6 saltene crackers in less than a minute w/o anything to drink.-Tried and failed.
20. Learn how to slow dance.-I'm okay at it now.
21. Spend some quality time with my grandparents.-Thankfully I did.  I lost both of my grandmothers within a year.  Miss you Grandma Betty and Grandma Flo.  Grandpa Bob is all I got left and he truly is the best.
22. Make a sequel to Wiffleball: A Mocumentary.-Still in the works.
23. Watch the Star Wars Movies (Yes I have only seen Episodes I and II)-Completed watched them all in one weekend and I'm glad I did.
24. Play Texas Hold'em with Brent Merman.- Still a no go here.
25. Go to an NCAA Basketball Final Four game.- I'm going to keep dreaming.
From July 18, 2007

More Things to do before I die

Current mood:cheerful
1. Get Cornrows.  Yes I am finally close and I've been talking about it for a while it's a long time comin-It was a failure my hair was too hard to braid.
2. Get in a fight with a random person I don't know. -If cops count, then yes.  
3. Get kicked out of a store/ restaurant.- Why would I even want this first of all and secondly, I'm too nice to have that happen.
4. Beat Brittney (Steward) in applesauce contest.-She's been too scared to face me since the glorious iced tea victory I had over her.
5. Help a stranger.- Several times.
6. Don't be so insulting when I joke.- I don't see this ever happening.
7. Beat Mindy (Merritt) in one-on-one- Here's your challenge Mindy!
8. Beat Bradley (McIntosh) in one-on-one.- got close a few times, but hasn't happened.
9. Lose some weight.- I'm about the same.
10. Check my blood sugar like I should-Recently I have.
11. Goto NYC.- Nope still want to go
12. Get a rap song written by me played on the radio.-Hasn't happened. " It's Newport" will be released on youtube soon though.
13. Write a novel.Life happened
14. Play a game of rugby. Gotta get in touch with Toby.
15. Try out for the World Series of Pop Culture.It got cancelled
16. Goto Bengals Training Camp. Almost did this year but got too lazy.
17. Try one of the KFC Famous Bowls.-Okay so I've had the opportunity my mom bought me one once.  However the next day when I went to eat it.  It was devoured by one of my siblings.
18. Write a sitcom based on my house.- No but it would be a funny show.
19. Goto a bellevue soccer game.-I can say yes to this one.
20. Make the Dean's List.-Ha

Here is my new list.
1. Be the best person I can be every day of my life.
2. Travel to Egypt to see the pyramids.
3. Have 0 enemies.
4. Smile whenever I can.
5. Make at least one person laugh everyday.
6. Be the best gentleman God has allowed in the capabilities of a man.
7. Treat my sisters better.
8. Stay healthy.
9. Learn the Tootsie Roll Dance.
10. Beat Nicolette StefanopaI'msorryIdon'tknowhowtospelltherestofthename in a game of Dance Party 2.
11. Get my graduate degree.
12. Do the two music videos planned with Sarah Brooks and Mitch Hammond, "Bye Bye Remix" and "Run This Town"
13. Live an entire day where I sing every word instead of talk.
14. Go somewhere west of Indianapolis.
15. Have my medical bills paid off.
16. Get a poem published.
17. Fly on an airplane.
18. Run my own wedding video business.
19.  Own my own camera/editing software.
20. be first place in volleyball again.


  1. Never gonna beat me!!!!!! hahaha and you make me laugh everyday at work. Thanks, it's what gets me through the day! I still bust out laughing about your sneezing attack!! lol

  2. You are a great slow dancer. Especially to "back that thing up."
    and Beating Nicolette at Just Dance 2.... Dream on! ;)
