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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My 27 Years, Condos, and Hog Genius

I'm going to be 27 years old this month, on May 12.  Wow. 27.  Where did the years go?  I still remember being 5 and playing in my first t-ball game.  I remember meeting David McDaniel when I was 4 and we thought it was so cool that we had the same name and lived so close together. I remember Sarah being born and being trained with a My Buddy Doll. I remember picking on Dustin Trimnell when David, my cousin Mikey and I got a little older down on Vine Street in Dayton.  I remember the Mini Market and how Carol made the most delicious cheese bread.  I remember playing some form of tag football for over 200 straight days. I remember my lung collapsing at a Bengals game when I was 10 years old and fearing making it through the night. I remember rolling with Earl Willis then with Steve Foster.   I remember moving and the hardcore wrestling matches with Chad Mangan, Ryan Smith, Brent Merman, and the arch nemesis, Matt Woodward.  I remember Vets baseball and Rescue 911.  I remember first hearing the news I was diabetic, and crying more than I ever have before or since. I remember the Phathead Shuffle coined by Adam Isaacs, and the Phathead nickname coined by Ryan Smith.  I remember U.F.B.A. with Robert Bartholomew and Stuart Watton. It's creation still remains secret.  I remember striking in Spanish II until George W. Bush was announced president in 2000.  I remember the B-Town Lo-Down and how it started my love for video editing.  I remember JV baseball and the dumb and dumber play.  I remember running the entire length of the Bellevue Vets way too many times.  I remember having hardcore matches in the weight room. I remember working 2 days at Wendy's, then 4 days at Krogers (during which I saw Rob's milk incident), followed by getting a job I worked at for 3 years at AMC.  I remember dating Ashleigh Linnemann and falling in love for the first time, and of course the breakup too :(.  I remember graduating high school and wrapping my arm around Dakota Brown as we celebrated as we walked.  I remember going to NKU and my first class being so intimidated because I couldn't understand a word my Japanese professor said.  I remember fighting with Robert and the stalemate than ensued and then with Stuart.  I remember mending fences with both.  I remember watching my sisters graduate high school and filming the 2006-2007 Lady Tigers One Shining Moment Video.  I remember the Pat Diesel era. I remember moving in with Robert and watching shows like Hog Genius.  I remember my 21st birthday and trying to wash off the tally marks so my mom didn't see how many shots I had.  I remember bowling every night after work with the AMC folks. I remember becoming friends with April Reckley and her helping with all the advice I need. I remember Mitch Hammond coming into my life and changing it for the better.  I remember graduating college alongside my sister, Laura, and April. I remember getting this job at Great American and being the most grateful person there is.  I remember Mindy Merritt being there to help me with any question I have.  I remember Nicolette Stefanapolos entering my life at the exact right time when I needed a jump start.  I remember trying my best to be the best person I can be through it all.  I remember slipping up a few times but all of my friends being there to keep me on the right path, and most of all my family helping me through it all.  And with the 27th year on this planet....a new chapter:

So today it begins.  My actual search for a condo.  Due to laziness and lack of a family up to this point in my life, I came to a conclusion that a condominium is best for me over a house.  I'd also like to put my money toward something so I can sell it later when I do need a bigger place for a family later on down the road, but for now, I begin my journey on the hunt for a condo--for real.  I've already been pre-approved for a loan so all that is left is finding what is perfect for me.  I'm not going to settle until I find somewhere I love.  I don't really want to move out of Campbell County unless I absolutely have to.  I don't need a large kitchen because God knows I can't cook.  I love to eat, but can't cook.  Any of you angels out there who know how to cook, I'm single ;) and that's how you win me over! 

I think pigs are unappreciated.  Not pigs as in cops or pigs as in fat people, like pigs pigs.  They're smart animals.  They learn quicker than a dog. Years ago, when I lived with Robert Bartholomew who lives the married life now, we saw a show on National Geographic.  The show was simply titled, "Hog Genius."  We had to watch it because how do you flip past such a show?  The show pointed out that the pigs will basically do anything for food.  Well I know what you're thinking, "David, well that's you too."  You would be right but that is besides the point.  The show had pigs solving this ridiculous computer game in seconds to receive food.  It took almost a month to train a dog on the same game.  They gave a pig a golf ball and it managed to know to get it in the hole to win a prize.  It would try to roll it up but had difficulty so it picked up the fake hole and put it over top of the ball!  Anyway hogs fascinate me.  Their snouts adapt.  If they escape and become wild, there snouts will grow longer, rather than the short, fat snouts we are used to.  Orson Welles had it right with Animal Farm.