1. When your blood sugar is feeling low.
2. When your blood sugar is high.
3. When someone tells you what you can or can't eat.
4.When putting in your site hurts.
5. When someone doesn't know the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
6. When you need sugar bad.
7. When others stare at you while changing insulin in public.
8. When you are happy your blood sugar is in range.
10. The lazy days where you don't feel like being diabetic.
11. When people say diabetes isn't that severe of a disease.
12. The day you are diagnosed with juvenile diabetes.
13. When you forget to set your bolus.
14. When it's time to see the doctor and you know you will get yelled at for not checking your blood enough.
15. When your blood is high and you are dying of thirst.
16. When you don't feel well but want to act normal.
17. When people tell you repeatedly to check your blood and you don't feel like it.
18. When someone acts to be an expert on diabetes when they are not.
19. Every morning you wake up after having diabetes for a long time.
20. When people say Diabeetus instead of Diabetes.