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Monday, November 14, 2011

Do The Right Thing.

To my readers,

Due to a rough weekend, my mind is not concentrated on a blog, and the Bengals lost to the Steelers too, which doesn't help.  All I have to say is I'm glad I do the right thing.  With all of this Penn State stuff in the news now, ethics and morals have been hot topics.  I want you to know on this earth I live my life in a way that if I were to drop dead right now, I'd be content with the way I lived.  I am loyal.  If I ever tell someone I have their back, I always will.  Whether you are right or wrong.  I may tell you that you are wrong and put in my 2¢ (Thank you anonymous 0162) but even if you are involved in something I don't agree with I will still support you.  I put everything I have into my friendships.  Those of you who are close to me know this.  When you become my friend, it is my responsibility to defend you when you aren't around, and sometimes this may get me into trouble with people who flex their muscles and threaten me, but you know, it takes a real man to forgive.  Life is too short to be angry at someone for something like this.  I have to do what is right.  It's how I was raised.  There is so much wrong with this world.  So much gossip, so much of people saying things behind other people's backs.  Not too many are straight forward anymore.  If I were to die today, I'd go to the grave knowing I can live with myself for being the best person I could possibly be.  Sure living this way, sometimes people will get hurt.  I never want enemies, but sometimes it is necessary for the betterment of an innocent friend.  I will not back down.  I have made mistakes in the past, but I will not regret.  I will learn from them and move on.  I feel sorry for no one, nor will I regret anything I've done.  I will always be willing to forgive, as long as you are willing to forgive me if I shall be wrong.  One's character is all one has.  Please don't sell out.  Please do the right thing.  It isn't that hard.  And it's easier to sleep at night.  Follow morals and do what is ethically right.  Be responsible.  We can't all be Peter Parker, but we can all be good.  Be a good friend.  Don't be bullied.  Have a heart.  And call a friend if you are in a bind.  Be that friend when someone calls you.  Make this world a better place.
                                                                                             David Brooks

Quote of the Day: "Your best friend is the person who is sitting next to you right now." -Dave Brooks Sr.

Song of the Day: The Way it Is by Bruce Hornsby

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