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Friday, December 9, 2011

Relationship Advice Column Edition 9: Flirting

It's Friday, so that basically means relationship advice day.  Today's topic is flirting.  What constitutes flirting?  Everyone's definition is different.  The word flirt has three meanings according to  We are dealing with the first definition which says, 

verb (used without object)
1. to court triflingly or act amorously without serious intentions; play at lovecoquet.

If you ask ten different people to define the word, you'd get ten different answers.  I know, you are all just sitting at home, at the school library, at work, or in some coffee shop somewhere thinking, "I wonder what David Brooks thinks is flirting." And Ladies (and gentlemen, if you actually read on Friday's), today is your lucky day. used a bunch of big words in their definition, two of which have squiggles underneath them because my blog doesn't recognize them as words.  My definition will be straight forward.

1. To show someone you are interested in them many times in a light and silly matter, although it could be deep.

Basically flirting is anything you do to try to get the attention of someone of the opposite sex (or the same sex if you swing that way) and is someone to whom you are attracted.  With that being said, some heartless people out there will break the rules and flirt with people that are not attracted to which begins the term, "game playing" and it causes confusion, lead ons, and all of that good stuff.   

There are varying levels of flirting.  The first tier, is basic getting to know you or playground stuff.  You'd maybe pull the girl/guy's hair or like tap their other shoulder.  Maybe you'd tease the person.  Playful stuff you'd see at a grade school playground, and yes I've seen plenty of this going on in my adult life.  The second tier is sweet talking.  You know, like telling the person, "you are very hot with clothes on, I'd love to see you with them off." 

 I know that's cheesey and I promise I've never used that line in my life but it was an example to get my point across.  The third tier is the touchy-feely tier.  This could be a result of the first two tiers.  Cuddling, putting your arm around them, rubbing their back, and massaging are all examples of this tier.  Yes, you could be dating someone and still be flirting with them.  Anything beyond this tier goes past the realm of flirting and into deeper relationship/cheating categories, like kissing, making out, feeling up, and sex are not flirting anymore and anyone who says they are misunderstand and misuse the word, flirt. 

Flirt can take the form of a noun.  You've all heard someone use this line, "she's a flirt."  I think it basically means a slut of flirting.  I know that sounds like it has negative undertones, but it is just a statement.  I call myself a music slut all the time. 

Everybody has flirted.  Sometimes one does it consciencely; sometimes it's subconsciously.  Anyway, when is it okay to flirt?  I have been in arguments about this so I guess it is a debate.  Obviously it's okay to flirt with anyone who's single.  I don't mean single like on official documents like not married, but single as in anyone who's not in a relationship.  If anyone is considered in a "talking" phase of a relationship, it is okay to flirt.  I say this mainly because I don't believe in the term.  You are either together or not.  There is no middle ground.  You could be "dating" but that just means not going steady with anyone and dating around, and in that phase, of course it's okay to flirt.  Now when someone's taken, I don't believe it is okay to flirt with them.  Some argue that if the taken one flirts with you it is okay to flirt back.  I get that.  I still believe you should resist the urges even if you are attracted.  We've all slipped up and broke this rule, myself included.  Don't take the bait.  There's a hook on the worm; it's obvious if you just look and if you don't want that thing in your upper lip with someone reeling you in ready to eat you then resist the temptation.

I know I said I'd finish the story I began yesterday on today's blog, but this one is already long enough so I will save that for Monday.  

Quote of the Day: "If I kind of like a guy, then I'm a fantastic flirt. But with a guy I truly like, I get painfully shy."-Shannen Doherty

Song of the Day: I'm a Flirt Remix by R.Kelly ft. T-Pain and T.I.

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