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Monday, December 30, 2013

The Brainey's (Winners, Losers, and other things of 2013). From Miley to Mandela and teacher sex scandals

2013. In a year that marijuana became legal in 2 states, the royal family of England had a new baby.  All I have to say to that is who the hell cares? Last I checked we won our independence from England over 230 years ago so why should we care about the royal family?  Why all the hype?  Please explain it to me.  Benjamin Franklin would be appalled that so many Americans were anxiously awaiting a baby to be born from Prince William of the freaking UK. And when was the last time that the royal family did anything significant in their own country?  You can't think of it either.

Now that I got that out of the way, I have always done an awards of the year stemming back to my Myspace blogging days. They were called The Diesel of the Year Awards, but on this new blogger format, I have called them the Brainey's. They are kind of like high school superlatives. These are the winners, losers, and other things of 2013:

Winner of the Year: Boston.  The Red Sox won the World Series and in all seriousness that was not who I was rooting for.  They won after a terrible season the year before.  But that's not why I gave Boston the win in this category.  The city of Boston wins because of the terrible terrorist attack and how they responded to it.  Even though I am not a fan of the city, I support them through this tragedy and I know no one from there will acknowledge this from the city but stay #bostonstrong (first hashtag in any blog).

Loser of the Year: Pacman Jones. Yes I am a fan of this guy. I feel like he truly rehabilitated his life and he's just in the wrong place at the wrong time sometimes.  But I can never defend violence against women.  He hit a woman who was screaming at him. I don't care what she said, it is never okay to hit a female and that's what he did.

Man of the Year: Pope Francis because he is bringing a swagger and a new attitude into the Catholic faith and is actually changing a lot of things for the good and bringing the Catholic faith into the new millennium. Finally.

Woman of the Year: Jennifer Lawrence.  She took Hollywood by storm with her cute but sexy smile and her ability to actually act.  We all know her as Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games but she showed incredible performances in Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle (which is what I'm told as I haven't seen it yet).

Quote of the Year: “You guys are just standing up because you feel bad that I fell, and that’s really embarrassing, but thank you.”-Jennifer Lawrence after she won best actress at the Oscar's.

Song of the Year: Royals by Lorde. Just 16, this Australian star burst on to the scene with this hip new sound and took America by storm.

Joke of the year: I was accused of being sexist several times.  You can read about it here. I will never back down from my chivalrous ways or call myself sexist for believing in them.

Blog of the Year: My blog about teachers and sex scandals was the most read blog since 2011 and it's popular because it is intriguing and interesting to everyone from many different perspectives.  Read here: 

Underachieving Team of the Year: The Cincinnati Reds.  They really struggled down the stretch and had no sense of urgency or team unity as they failed to win the one game playoff against the Pirates and ultimately got Dusty fired.

Ginger of the Year:  Andy Dalton. Why does he win this?  Well he broke the Bengals' passing yardage and touchdown record, all the while leading the Bengals to their 3rd straight playoffs.  There tends to be a good Andy and a bad Andy as they played this year and as Dalton goes the Bengals will go this playoffs.  I can't think of any other gingers who could win this as Yukon Cornelius has been missing in films since the 1960's.

Most changed since Last Year: Miley Cyrus. Is this even debatable? And who didn't see it coming? Child star wanting to rebel from Dad and apparently sticking your tongue out is rebelling? Well anyway, I'm of the belief that it's all an act, because it's working and she's selling a bunch of records.  It's hard to transition into the adult industry after being a child, ask ginger Danny Bonaduce who will never win the above award.

Goodbyes in 2013:

Paul Walker: Died in a car crash. There will be no more making fun of him.  He deserved an Oscar for his role in Joy Ride.  Not really.  He's no Daniel Day Lewis but he is Paul Walker and it is sad that he is gone as the Fast and Furious series will not be the same. And since most of my viewers are ladies, see below.  Just don't think about him being dead or that's just awkward.

Chris Kelly AKA Mac Daddy of Kriss-Kross.  We've all jumped to them. and we all owe him a tribute as he died this year.  He is miggidy miggidy miggidy macing in heaven.

Thomas Howard: Former Bengals linebacker passed also in a car crash.  He was going over 100.  Don't speed.  

Nelson Mandela: RIP to the man who changed a nation when all hope would have been lost by a weaker man.  He beat apartheid and saved South Africa and brought together the most racist nation of the 20th Century.

Corey Monteith: Glee actor who died of a drug overdose.  I did enjoy the first season of Glee and then it started going downhill

Mindy Mcready: The troubled country singer died of a suicide.  She had her whole life ahead of her and was on top of the world in the 90's.  

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