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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

David AKA So-Crates the Philosopher, My Country Lyrics, And Doing it My Way.

So this wasn't really a New Year's resolution or anything, but sometime in the past few months I've been living the philosophy I've been preaching since they started calling me So-Crates at sand volleyball back in 2009. Yes, that's a Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure reference if you picked that up.

I've always been one of those people others come to for advice.  I always picture myself as that Rafiki-like guy in the movies who has these wise cracks that people see as wisdom to live by.

Maybe I'll have a long gray beard and incense burning while people come to me.  I'll probably have a velvet robe, stunna Oakley aviator shades, and a bad ass diamond studded grill because I would want to give my advice in style but maybe I'd get rid of the incense because I'm allergic and the stench would get in my robe.

 But anyway, I started living my life how I wanted. I'm just going to do what I want.  I mean I'm still going to be an ethical person and follow morals, but I'm not going to care what others think of me in any way.  I have strong opinions about things and I don't really back down.  You can read about several of them I have written about in past blogs, but I haven't really just put myself out there.  I haven't been myself.  I've always been an image of what society expects me to be.  I'm not that anymore.  I'm still a gentleman, I'm still chivalrous, and I still believe you should treat every woman you run into like a princess.

With that being said that's not what I was meaning by living how I want.  I'm just getting out of this box I put myself in by doing the 9-5 thing, well actually 8-4:30 thing and just going home and being boring.  I'm going to put myself out there and do things I've always wanted to do.  Life is too short to not be who you want to be and after my scare with my damn diabetes I started realizing not to take any day for granted.  I want every day to be better than the last and I can't achieve that by not being myself.  I want to see the Great Pyramid at Giza before I die (Of course I have to wait for the fighting to stop in Egypt first).

I want to write a movie script good enough to send to Hollywood.  I want to pay for someone's meal behind me in a drive thru.  I want to stop eating fast food.  I want to produce a rap song. Not just the Phathead KingofCOV stuff but an actual song.  I can write lyrics pretty well and we all know I have flow.  I want to meet John Malkovich. I want to stand for something.  I want to give anonymously.  I want to be remembered for being a good person. I want to help cure diabetes.  I want to move people with the words that I write.  I want to make a stranger smile every day.  I want to make my friends laugh to the point of tears but I warn you I'm so funny it may hurt after a while.  I want to get deeper into faith and listen to my heart more.  I want Jesus to be my homeboy, and God to be my dude.

I have worn this crucifix around my neck every day since I received it for Christmas while I was still in high school.  A painting of Mary hangs on my wall to protect me and was given to me for that purpose after my lung collapsed by some wonderful people.  Sure I was drunk once and made out with the photo, but that isn't blasphemous at all! I want to be a better person each day, and I want to keep a smile on my face.  I want to stay happy and optimistic. I want to do it my way like Frank Sinatra.

I don't want to mask and hold in my problems. I want to be able to talk about them.  I'm glad I have this forum and wonderful readers like you to listen.  I want to talk less and listen more.  I want to look at the stars and be hypnotized by how wonderful this universe is.  I want to learn more and write more and learn to play an instrument other than the snare drum in 7th grade. Gosh I remember when the Yeti powerbombed Tony Cummings into a chair in 7th grade before a band concert and knocked out his tooth.  Tony was a trooper though! He went on stage after. I want to learn from the past but remember the good times.

There are so many other things I want to tell you guys, but I'm writing this because I wanted to share this country song I wrote.  I wrote the lyrics and I am having a work friend's minister write the music for it and possibly sing it for me.  I was very inspired by God writing this and it kind of brought me closer to him.  It has a lot of pain I've gone through in my life and I wrote it thanking God for helping me through it.  This relates because I just woke up the other day listening to country music, George Strait, Luke Bryan, etc. and I wanted to write a song. I've always written rap song but country captures the down home feel and it tells an amazing story.  I've written before about how I believe rap and country are very similar in roots and have very similar qualities in a 2011 blog, Rap and country both tell a story and both are based on territory and love, and they both talk about struggle.  Tupac writes about the pain he went through and his life struggles.  Listen to George Jones. It's the same thing. Nelly gets it, and so does Ludacris.  They are crossing over in songs, and Jason Aldean had a huge hit that was more rap than country.

Anyway, I could write for hours on this subject, but here's the song: I promise it will be way better once you can hear it!!

Thanking Him

(Verse 1)
As I look out on this beautiful sky,
I thank god that I'm still alive,
I've been through hell and back again,
My lung collapsed when I was ten,
God's tested me in many ways,
And I'm thankful I wake every--day,
He gave me a crutch a couple years later,
Diabetes still didn't convert me to being a hater,
He helps me fight through all that is wrong,
And I'm thanking him-- by writing this song....

I got a good head on my shoulders and a mom who loves me,
Whether life throws a boulder or a sting by a bee,
He's there walking me through when times get tough,
Calming the storm when the waves get rough,
And I thank god...
I praise The Lord...
I thank Jesus...
I praise The Lord.

(Verse 2)
He was there for me when I took my first ride,
When the bicycle chain twisted I thought I had died,
He helped me up and he dusted me off,
He's also the medicine I need when I have a cough,
He's the gps navigating when I lost my way,
He's a forgiving spirit when I forget to pray,
He's that inspirational tune when you're kinda down,
He's the company you need when you're alone in this town,
He's with you through distances whether short or long,
And I'm thanking him.... By writing this song...


I got a good head on my shoulders and a mom who loves me,
Whether life throws a boulder or a sting by a bee,
He's there walking me through when times get tough,
Calming the storm when the waves get rough,
And I thank god...
I praise The Lord...
I thank Jesus...
I praise The Lord.


Verse 3
There are countless events he has helped me through,
But don't forget... He's there for the good times too!!
Like my first home run in a little league game,
And that sunny spring morning when my mom first said my name,
He placed me in the great country U. S. Of A.
And I have a family who loves me each day,
We take him for granted but he's always there,
Whenever you need him he will always care,
When you are at your weakest, he will stay strong,
And I'm thanking him... By writing this song...

(Chorus) I got a good head on my shoulders and a mom who loves me,
Whether life throws a boulder or a sting by a bee,
He's there walking me through when times get tough,
Calming the storm when the waves get rough,
And I thank god...
I praise The Lord...
I thank Jesus...
I praise The Lord.

(Spoken) And I am thanking him.... By writing this song. Thank you Lord

Winner of the Day: The Minnesota Vikings.  They landed my favorite coach from the Bengals as their head coach today, Mike Zimmer.  He's a great man and coach.  The scene where the Bengals won after he lost his wife is the most powerful scene I've seen in football back in 2009. He will be missed here after he leaves and I will be rooting for him.  I'm a Mike Zimmer fan.
The locker room<<click there to see Zimmer in the locker room.

Loser of the Day: Curtis Reeves. This man killed a man in a theater for texting during the previews of a movie. Now isn't this a little extreme? It's getting a little scary to go to the movies with all the shootings. Link >>>

Quote of the day: I just need to tell you a few things. You always listen to your mother. You understand? Do what she tells you to do. She’s your best friend. You tell her you love her every day.
You’re too young for girls right now, but… there’s going to come a time. When it does, you treat them like princesses. ‘Cause that’s what they are.
When you say you’re going to do something… When you say you’re going to do something, you do it. Because your word is your bond, son. It’s all you have.
And money. You make money if you get a chance, even if you got to sell out once in a while. Make as much money as you can. Don’t be stupid like your father. Everything is so much easier with money, son.
Don’t smoke.
Be kind to people. When somebody chooses you… We talked about this. You stand up. You be a man.
You stay away from the bad things, son, please. Don’t get caught up in the bad things. There’s so many great things out there for you.
I’ll never leave you. I’m always with you. Right there. I love you, son.
-John Q. (Denzel Washington as John Q.)

Song of the Day: Grillz by Nelly ft. Paul Wall Ali and Gip.

Man Bear Pig of the Day:

1 comment:

  1. David, your writing already does impact your readers. We are proud of you, and it is wonderful to see you striving to be the best person you can be. I love that your faith is growing and your relationship with God. Love you!
