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Monday, January 20, 2014

Making Soap, a blogging challenge, football stuff, Home Ec and a whale pic.

One of my favorite covers of all time on any movie is Fight Club.

The iconic soap cover.  Why is the cover of a movie about a fight club have a picture of soap on it? Well if you haven't seen the movie, this question has probably come to mind.  If you have seen it you know that Tyler Durden makes soap in his home.  He uses lard from a liposuction clinic and a few chemicals and makes these bars of soap and sells them to department stores. Now, according to the movie you can change one detail in the recipe and make bombs or something, but I don't know if that's true nor do I care to look it up because this blog isn't about that, it's about the fact that Tyler Durden made soap. It's not challenging at all actually, and in the ancient world people found their clothes to get cleaner in certain parts of the water.  This, according to Fight Club, was because in those parts of the water human sacrifices were made, and they're stuff from their bodies was called lye and if you combine it with the saltiness of fat you can make some pretty legitimate soap.

Now most of you aren't following where I'm going here, I'm sure.  I'm not putting making soap on my bucket list or anything.  Honestly I'm allergic to most soap.  I use Dove which isn't technically soap I believe.  It's actually a moisturizer which if you've seen my elbows or my scalp lately, you know I need.  I am pumped when there's a snowstorm out so no one knows how bad my dandruff is.  I use Head and Shoulders but it's never helped me honestly.  I wonder what will happen when I go completely bald?  Will I still get dandruff? Is that even possible?  I'm getting off track.  Today is really slow at work , so I challenged a close friend of mine to give me an off the beat blog topic to write about.  Lately I've not really been doing the comedy blog thing although sometimes my awesome sense of humor seeps through the cracks of many of my blogs, so I wanted to write something that I could have a little fun with.  Well the topic I was challenged with was homemade items.  Now let's face it people I'm not a homemade person at all.  Like I literally cooked chicken for the first time a couple weeks ago if you want to call that homemade.  I am a creative person, but I don't really know how to make much.   I took Home Ec in 7th grade and that's the last time I ever had to do anything regarding making things.  I had to make a pillow.  It turned out pretty good, except I definitely didn't hold a steady line on the seam or anything but I did okay.  I did make my whole group fail on a French Toast project though, which I know how to make if you follow my Instagram @DavidBrooks1985 you would see current lovely French Toasts which I'm a beast at.  I can't really cook much so I'm proud of my breakfast skills. I just went back and looked and couldn't find any French Toast pictures so maybe I shockingly never took them but below you can see my pancakes I made.

I made my group fail because I put a piece of French Toast in the batter or mixture or whatever you call it and it literally sucked up all the batter.  We were supposed to have enough for 5 pieces, but all of our batter was sucked up by one slice of damn bread.  I still feel bad for it to this day.  

Well anyway, part of being me would be to broaden my horizons a little bit and learn how to do more crafts, and make more things.  Soap could be super fun to make and if it makes me just as cool as Tyler Durden than I think I would be going in the right path.  My friend will be teaching me how to make a candle and I look forward to that.  First of all I have a Sentsy thing my sister got me as a housewarming gift and I had no idea how to get the old wax out, so I just put my new scent in there and it caused this super funky smell in my house that I need to fix! So it will be cool to get that fixed up with my new smelling personally made wax or whatever along with a super awesome candle.  I am a candle guy and I look forward to experimenting with scents.  As a man, there needs to be lots of ways to disguise a smell and I have some smell ideas I will have to talk over with my candlestick maker friend to see if they will work.  And there it is, my blog on homemade stuff!

Winner of the Day: Champ Bailey. He's been in the NFL for 15 years.  He is one of the greatest cornerbacks of all times and will be going to the Hall of Fame.  He made is first Super Bowl yesterday and as far as the Super Bowl goes, I will be rooting for his team, the Broncos

Loser of the Day: Richard Sherman.  The dude was very outspoken about how Michael Crabtree was talking smack about him.  He took a few shots at the receiver on his postgame comments.  I mean dude, seriously you just made the Super Bowl.  Be happy about that.

Quote of the Day: Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. - Robert Brault

Song of the Day: "I'll be There" by the Jackson 5

Whale Photo of the Day:

1 comment:

  1. David, you are supposed to let the wax warm up and melt, then empty it into the plastic thing that it came in. But, if you mixed it with something else, I'd throw it away. You should have asked!
