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Friday, April 27, 2012

The Return of David's Brain

Today is the day.  I have decided to come out of semi-retirement and start writing again.  Many of you who know me hear me say I retire from several things from volleyball to playing a certain video game, but I come out of retirement more than Michael Jordan and Brett Favre combined.  

When you love something so much, it's hard to give it up.  I've enjoyed writing since I first began holding a pencil...I gripped it wrong when I first learned, and still hold it the same way today.  I prefer pens though, because when you write with a pencil it hurts my ears for some reason almost as bad as when you erase a chalkboard.  Thank God they started replacing chalk boards with dry erase boards because I can handle that noise.  I have sensitive ears.  I think it can be attributed to me being a soft person.  I always call myself a finesse player when I'm playing sports from volleyball to basketball or even football.  I rarely show emotion, too.  People can't really tell when I'm happy or sad, but that's a good thing.  Anyway let me get back on track...You know how in the movie Elf, how Santa's sleigh functions on whether or not people believe in Mr. Kringle?  Well I believe I run on writing down my thoughts.  It's almost my escape from the cruel world that we all call home.  With that being said, I haven't written much because of the lack of negative energy in my life, so it's hard to find inspiration.   

Since I last wrote, Dick Clark died, Peyton Manning became a Bronco, Tim Tebow became a Jet, Major League baseball began, my Wildcats won the NCAA Tournament, Trayvon Martin was killed, Mitt Romney knocked Santorum out, Pat Summitt retired, The NBA stopped being locked out, another 60 Minutes anchor died, the secret service got busted for having a bunch of prostitutes, Whitney Houston sang her last song, and so many other items of business I'm sure I'm forgetting but who really cares?  I truly don't know how often I'm going to write, when I'm going to write, or what I'm going to write about.  All I know is I'm back from the dead and you guys will hopefully read because every once in a while I craft a legendary post and it goes viral.  These are few and far between, but my loyal readers will read when my post sucks or when it is a knockout.  

I just want to go over a few things that absolutely bust my balls to start off this wonderful return to the bloggosphere.  Why make a facebook page for your pet? I mean seriously.  I understand that the internet has apparently an infinite number of space, but facebook pages for your pet is a little overboard.  You know what else busts my balls?  When you have to change your password and you still type in the old one every time you want to log-in. I get the whole idea of hackers and all that, but it's hard to change every month and by the time you think you have it remembered, it's time to get a new one.  And I absolutely HATE captcha.  Captcha is that ridiculous type the code in thing so we know you're actually human.  They make them way too hard to read that even me, a human, can not figure them out half the time.  You know what really busts my balls? When someone says, "Are you kidding?" when you are trying to tell them something really serious. "No. I'm not kidding!!! Why would I make up something like that???!!" Pitbull also busts my balls.  I can't stand his style (who wears gloves and shades all the time with a leather jacket except that dude?), his lyrics, his rapping, his voice....nothing is good about him.

Winner of the day: This fish, because he has a point.  Basically the moral is don't smoke unless you are a fish. 

Loser of the day: Kanye West, because when he breaks up with Kim Kardashian, he will somehow be more hated than he already is.  I mean look at Chris Humphries.  He was a nobody in the NBA and he divorced Kim and he became more hated than LeBron and Kobe.

Quote of the day: "There's nothing as exciting as a comeback - seeing someone with dreams, watching them fail, and then getting a second chance."-Rachel Griffiths

Song of the Day: I'm Back by T.I.

Advice of the day: Be a good person.  There is a such thing as good Karma.  Earn yours.

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