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Monday, August 29, 2011

The First One

So, this is officially my first post as a blogger.  I used to blog on Myspace, but when everyone migrated over to Facebook and left Myspace for 40-year old child molesters and aspiring musicians, I stopped blogging.  I miss putting my thoughts up for all to read and enjoy.  I will cover current events, personal thoughts, sports, movies, music, and pretty much anything on my mind.  

As of today, the Reds are far out of the playoff hunt, which is a step back from last year.  Us Reds fan still have at least two reasons to watch this season: Joey Votto and Johnny Cueto.  Cueto is chasing the E.R.A. title while Votto is finally back to his M.V.P. form of last year.  He started off the game yesterday with a home run and ended the game against the Nationals with a walk-off in the 14th inning.

                 photo courtesy of Getty Images/John Grieshop

Another item of business is the hair of Fui Vakapuna, a fullback attempting to make the Cincinnati Bengals' roster.  I have no idea why someone would have this hair.  My theories include maybe it is something warriors from his country may do their hair like this. Maybe it's because his hairline is receding up front and since the popular style in the NFL these days is to have your hair flowing out of the bottom, Fui may have shaved the top and grew that party that is the back.  The final theory is that his hair may grow so big up top that it wouldn't fit in the helmet so he just went ahead and shaved it a'la Pedro in Napoleon Dynamite.

In other news, Beyonce announced on the much improved from last year's MTV VMA's that she is now carrying a child that belongs to Jay-Z.  This kid could be strange looking if he/she has the backside of Beyonce and the large lips of HOVA.   The opening act was Lady Gaga, dressed in drag.  She looked like a greaser out of The Outsiders, but threw it down with an amazing monologue and performance.  There was no host this year as it should be because the hosts they've had the past couple of years have ruined the show.  The VMA's are the only reason I turn on MTV anymore because it's all pretty much garbage anymore.  No I don't watch Jersey Shore or Teen Mom.  I guess I'm not cool enough. 

During the show, MTV showed previews for the new Bevis and Butt-head.  I can't believe how much Hollywood recycles anything that worked in the past like that stupid Footloose movie coming out.  MTV used to be pretty good with YO! MTV Raps to The original reality show, Real World, to Daria to even TRL but it has gone down hill.  Too much reality, and not enough videos.  

 Photo of Gaga courtesy of  (Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

Don't worry ladies all of my blogs won't be about sports.  This was just an example of how my writing style will be.  Also at the end of every blog, I will give out three awards about the previous day: Winner of the Day, Loser of the Day, and a random third award.

Winner of the Day: Joey Votto.  Two homers and one to win in the 14th?  No brainer.
Loser of the Day: Jay-Z.  He's going to be a father.  He should be a winner right?  Well let me explain.  He is having his first legitimate child.  He's a rapper.  I'm sure somewhere along the line he's had a child or two Evander Holyfield, Lil Wayne, or Shawn Kemp style.  Don't get excited like it's your first kid dude, because it's not.  I'm sure he's paid off a woman or two, and paid for an abortion.
Most overrated item of the day: Hurricane Irene.  This thing is no Katrina.  She sucks.  Okay so she caused a little rain up the east coast.  These same people were complaining about a lack of rain a couple years ago.  You can't have it both ways. 


  1. As you well know I am a big supporter of your Winner of the Day. I would like to share that I have even heard some repeat MVP buzz about him. How do you feel about his possibility to repeat, do you believe it is deserved buzz? I being biased believe it is legitimate buzz, most of his numbers are as good as last year, apart from maybe his HR number. It would not shock me however, to see an off season trade involving Votto for a Left Fielder.
    A quick comment on Irene, she didn't suck, she blew.

  2. Liked the Irene Comment. Also yes Votto deserves buzz, but will not win. Voters are biased toward competing teams. So it will probably be Braun or Justin Upton or someone like that. He will be top 5 in voting though. He or Alonso will be traded. Depends on which direction the organization wants to go.

  3. I would love to see Alonso get some more PA but we really have a massive hole on the left side of the field. I'm going to have to do some research and start contributing on guys the Reds should go get in the offseason.

  4. They need a SS, LF, and 3B (Rolen's getting old). They can package Alonso, Heisey and a pitcher and get decent players.
