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Thursday, October 17, 2013


I'm happy for what I have and I never let myself be down for too long. Just because a few things in life aren't going my way doesn't not change who I am nor will I let it affect others. Be thankful for what you have. Life is great. Don't let any one thing bring you down. Don't spread the negativity to others. Stay positive people. I almost lost an eye and got diagnosed with Peripheral neuropathy related to diabetes in the same week recently and I still keep a smile on my face. Life isn't all that bad people. Don't sweat little things and don't bring others down because you're miserable. It doesn't have to be that way.  Thank you to the higher power for giving me this fortunate life I have with an amazing family and wonderful friends who are a support system to me. All that's missing is that special woman but she will come. I have a job I am thankful for. I eat everyday, sometimes too many calories. I try to do what's right and be the best person I can be. I don't hate. I am an honest person and thank The Lord every day for all that you made me. I am a patient person and that is tested every day. But overall I'm thankful. Please take this as a lesson when you're having a bad day, be thankful for what you have.


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