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Sunday, April 5, 2015

38-1 One of the best teams not to win: the day after the loss

Andrew Harrison said something wrong, Cauley-Stein walked off early, and some fans chanted and burned stuff. There are more UK fans so in turn more bad ones. It's just the way it is. All teams have bad fans but there are good ones too. It's lazy to say all fans are one type. In regards to not shaking hands, that is disrespectful but I will say when a team has all that pressure all year and they lose it's hard to stand up like a man and shake hands of guys that will be rubbing it in your faces. Not an excuse, he should've shaken hands but I understand why. The dude is 20 years old. Judge if you want but I bet you weren't perfect at 20. And in regards to Andrew, that was just stupid, but he did apologize so forgive him, or just call everyone on UK thugs because of it, but that is just blind, because these are good guys. Louisville and Duke kicked people off for rape. No one on UK has ever been in trouble. They just lost the biggest game of their lives and did it with everyone wanting to write something bad about them that wasn't a fan. Some of them gave the media something but overall they are good kids and if you don't realize that, you are lazy. Do research. I'm proud of this team and it's been my favorite to watch since I started cheering for the team in the early 90's. Big blue nation is strong and we will regroup. This is still the best team of this year and 38-1 will be the best record this season. The best team doesn't always win the championship. I am still a Wildcat fan.

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