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Friday, September 30, 2011

Relationship Advice Edition 3, Lynrd Skynrd, Dave & Busters, and Full Moons

I know it's Relationship Advice day but I must first apologize for the crappy mood I've been in as I wrote the past few days.  If you know me, you know that isn't me and it's not fair to me or anyone else if I stay that way.  I'm here for a reason and that's to touch every single person that is in my life.  Not like creepy molestation touch but like make you feel something good inside touch, yeah it still didn't come out right but you know what I mean. Some of you I will get to know more than others.  Some of you I may barely know at all, but the fact of the matter is I will be here for every single one of you even if it is waiting over an hour for a check at Dave & Busters for my friend Robert which I did last night, but reminiscing on old times was worth it.  It brought my morale way up and made me realize I have to stop sweating and get back on my feet.  I am back to being myself; I promise people.  I want to thank those of you who voiced their concern for me and helped to lift me up and make me smile.  I needed those.  So I saw on the bus today going to work, something very disturbing.  This middle aged Latino dude with a thick mustache and hair, not Mexican, was wearing this sportsy polo.  I didn't think much of him.  He wore a creepy smile the whole ride.  As he got up, and walked out, his entire butt was showing.  Absolutely gross.  He made zero attempt to pull his pants up.  Someone had to sit in the seat he was just in too.  He walked so his pants didn't fall down more, 'butt' what is the point?  Back to Dave & Busters: I will never go there again.  The service was terrible.  They took forever not only taking our orders but also giving us our check.  We got there at 7:00 and didn't get finished until after 9:00 and all they gave us was some free game cards, which I wasted on a pirate Price is Right style spinning game.  I got enough tickets to get a shot class though so all is good in the world.

Now to relationships...

First I have an update from the blog I wrote two weeks ago.  The issue was titled, Baby Mama Drama, which you can read about here.  She began snooping which is justified in the situation considering all that was going on.  Every night after the reader went to sleep, the boyfriend began texting his ex and flirting and whatnot.  She kicked him to the curb.

Now for the advice of the day: 

If it looks like the other person isn't into you as much as you are into them, they probably aren't.  It has nothing to do with game playing.  You can just read it.  

Don't show all of your cards too early.  It is good to be honest and upfront with someone, but don't put all of your eggs in one basket until they hatch.  

Follow your heart when it comes to relationships, but please don't ignore your head.  There will be times when your head and heart conflict with each other about someone.  People sometimes, myself included, will ignore all of the advice they'd give to themselves and all of the warning signals.  That is okay if someone is important enough, but reason with your mind, it may just be right.

Don't stay angry or upset with the way things turn out.  Life is too short to be miserable.  The sun is still going to come up tomorrow.  Flowers will still bloom in the spring.  Those crazy cicadas are going to come and terrorize Cincinnati every 19 years.  Life will go on and like schools want no child left behind, God doesn't want you to stay behind either.  

TO THE GUYS: Please be a gentleman.  Be a throwback.  These ladies deserve to be treated like princesses.  Don't just hold the door for the chick, even though you should.  Go deeper than that (I know, that's what she said).  Make their day every day.  Do something special every day.  It will not only put a smile on her face but it will make you happier too.  Who cares what any of your homies will think?  I mean love is the greatest gift God gave us.  Nothing else matters.  Treat your lady like you love her.  

TO THE LADIES: Don't date someone because they look good standing next to you.  Make sure they have a brain.  Make sure they challenge your mind every day and treat you with respect.  Make sure you are attracted but also that they make you smile or make you forget that anything else in this world is going on.    Money isn't everything.  Looks aren't everything.  Lifestyle isn't everything.  Romeo & Juliet, Shallow Hal, Beauty and the Beast show that life isn't always about what everyone else will think of you.  It is what is inside that truly matters.  

TO EVERYONE: A relationship will only work if both sides are fully committed and their hearts and minds are with no one else.  If it seems like that isn't the case, things will fizzle and you move on.  There could be a spark in the future with that person or maybe not either way life goes on.  

Winner of the day: Tristan Neal (Sarcasm).  This dude was arrested after he assaulted his girlfriend after fighting over his refusal to change his facebook from "single" to "in a relationship."  The article is titled, "It's Complicated" which humors me, but why are we calling the girl his girlfriend in the story?  Obviously he didn't think it was or at least didn't care to share it with anyone.The Link

Loser of the Day: Ohio.  They approved a law allowing concealed weapons in bars.  I believe in the right to bear arms but I'm not sure alcohol and weapons mix.  Just ask Plaxico Burress. The Link.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Sometimes I lay under the moon and thank God I'm breathing, then I pray don't take me soon cause I am here for a reason. Sometimes in my tears I drown but I never let it get me down, so when negativity surrounds I know some day it'll all turn around"-Matisyahu

Song of the Day: Free Bird by Lynrd Skynrd

Truth of the Day:


  1. The Ohio law allows them to carry but not while consuming alcohol. It was mainly intended for legal CCW permit holders to go to eat in restaurants where alcohol is served. It used to be illegal. In Ky you can go to Red Lobster to eat but you cannot go into the bar area. And seriously. These kind of laws only affect LAW ABIDING citizens. If you carry concealed without a permit, are you going to follow the rules anyway. Whats one more felony????

  2. Who is this #1 (whom I know), #2 (still anonymous), #3 (whom I know) or a new one? and you are absolutely right whoever you are. You have very valid points. I mean when Plaxico shot himself he didn't have a permit for that gun. I still think more people will bring them in now and may not intend to drink but sometimes pressure gets the best of you. I don't know it's kind of playing with fire but your points make total sense.
