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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Breakfast at Taco Bell, Me in the Kitchen, Taping kids up at work, and Hugo

I must start with this because, quite frankly I don't know what to think...Taco Bell introduced a breakfast menu at nearly 800 restaurants in 14 states today.  They plan on having breakfast at 5,600 locations nationwide by 2014.  Some places I can't even look at in the morning, and anywhere that sells Mexican food is on that list.  Well Taco Bell isn't Mexican food and I hate that kids think that Taco Bell is Mexican food.  Are they going to sell gorditas and cheesey beefy melts at breakfast? By lunch time, we'd all have the runs.  Everyone's stomach would be unsettled by noon.  Think about this, have you ever felt good after eating Taco Bell? No.  Have you ever been hungry and said, Taco Bell sounds delicious? No.  Do we all for some reason still eat it from time to time? Yes. Does David's Brain know the answer to such a question? No.  But I do know this: when I was 16, I had this Spanish teacher who was from Mexico..  It was her first year teaching there and frankly she didn't know all too much English.  We taught her the English language as much as she taught us Spanish.  Well anyway, we would have these fiestas from time to time and we'd all have to bring in these Mexican dishes.  I would always go in with John Holmes, no not that John Holmes you perverts, and he'd make guacamole.  He knew he was going to be absent for the next fiesta, so I was on my own.  I couldn't cook anything but ramen noodles, french toast and pizza at the time (nothing has really changed in that department).  This teacher would always complain how terrible Taco Bell's food was, so what.  I went through the drive-thru, ordered 11 soft tacos, which is all the people we had in the class, unwrapped them and served them at the fiesta.  The teacher, a Mexican native, said they were the most delicious tacos she'd ever had.  Anyway rambling about this reminds me of home ec in 8th grade.  I am not known for my cooking skills which is why I need to find me a lady that is handy in the kitchen.  The way to my heart is through my stomach.  Well anyway, I was in this group and we were making French toast or what we call Freedom toast if we are patriots, which I'm rooting for the Giants in the Super Bowl so I don't want to hear that term in any good way and I love French toast and it wasn't Freedom toast at the time anyway and I don't want Freedom to remind me of patriotism which will remind me of Brady throwing 10 touchdowns next Sunday so we will just call it French toast.  We were making French toast in this group and there were 5 of us; if you were in my group remind me because I can't remember or I would give you a shout out.  One of my duties was to dip the bread in the eggs, milk, cinnamon, vanilla mixture.  We had to make 6 pieces.  I dipped the first one in and went to sift the powdered sugar.  I forgot that the piece was in there and it absorbed almost the entire mixture.  My group was busy doing other things.  This piece of toast weighed at least a pound.  It was heavy.  I remember handing it to the cook and it was dripping with the egg goo.  I then was asked to prepare the next piece of bread.  I only had enough mixture to cover 1/2 of the bread.  and I had 4 more pieces to go after that.  I didn't know what to do.  Needless to say I cost my entire group a D on the project.  Sorry guys.

Here's a stupid video Stuart and I did filmed at the Taco Bell in Newport:

Winner of the Day:Hugo.  It is Martin Scorsese's most recent film.  It leads this year's Oscars with 11 nominations.  Martin is known for his violent gangster movies, but his wife read the book and basically said to make something his daughter can actually watch so that's why he did it. The story.

Loser of the Day: Mustard Seeds Childcare.  Why did they hire this girl (okay so it's Ludlow but still)?  She looks insane.  And they let her work around kids and she found yet another use for duct tape by taping a kid to the floor.  And fix your name.  Nothing screams bring my child here more than mustard seeds. Read me. 

Quote of the Day: The hardest struggle of all is to be something different from what the average man is. – Charles M Schwab

Song of the Day: Purple Rain by Prince

What were you thinking over and over again of the day?:

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