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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The End of the World, The People's Choice Awards, Morgan Freeman, & the Elvis of Dinosaurs

According to the Mayans the world is supposed to end this year on December 21.  I'm not sure it is going to happen.  The rapture was supposed to happen last year and I am still waiting on that.  Before that Y2K was supposed to end all things in 2000.

  The truth is no one on this planet has a clue when this place and all we know comes to an end. If there is a God, he is the only one who would know. We wouldn't even be here if a meteor didn't come down and destroy the dinosaurs millions of years ago.  

A meteor could hit us at any moment.  The second ice age is due.  Maybe something like that will happen.  It won't be The Day After Tomorrow style though I don't think. 

 There's no point in worrying about it.  Just live your life not worrying about it and live every day as if it were your last on this planet anyway.  Clear up any loose ends.  Live with good ethics and by good morals.  Do everything you've always wanted.  It's like football.  When you're in the playoffs, you don't want any plays in your back pocket when the game ends; you want to give it your best effort.  Life is the same way.  You never know when it's going to end.  I may live to be 100 or I could walk outside and get hit by a bus, so just be ready in case it ever does happen.  Be the best person you can be.  You owe it to yourself.  Don't let anyone else call the shots for you.  You only live once; this isn't Super Mario Brothers.  When you're gone you're gone.  Worrying is a waste of time.  It doesn't solve anything.  Kim Jong Il's son is apparently crazier than him and he's in power now.  There is a chance of a nuclear war.  You have to live life though you can't just sit around and wait for the bastard to blow the country up. 

Think about if the world ended December 21 like the extinct Mayans predicted.  We would have just sat through one of the worst Presidential elections in our history.  Not one candidate impresses me.  I also thought about how funny it would be if the world ended on December 20, 2012 instead.  Everyone would be caught all off guard and it may make the whole thing easier. 

In other news, the People's Choice Awards were on last night.  I tuned in late, and the jokes were terrible.  Kaley Cuoco was the host from Big Bang Theory fame.  She's awful to begin with but throw in some bad writing and a bunch of C list celebs, you get the worst awards show on Network TV.  At least Morgan Freeman was there.  His black dots on his face were as awesome as ever.  I still wish I was one of those.  You get to listen to Morgan talk all day and you'd have a bunch of friends to chill with all day. 

Winner of the Day: Bacon Bits.  He's a pig that was taken in by an all dog shelter because some lady pig sitting got stuck with the animal after its owners wouldn't take Bacon Bits back.  A farm has since adopted him. Read here. 

Loser of the Day: LeBron James. He came up short again in a game last night.  He wants to be "the guy" but comes up short every time.  It's time to dish the ball off to Wade, LBJ. Read.

Quote of the Day: "The only difference between a good shot and a bad shot is if it goes in or not."-Charles Barkley

Song of the Day: Something's Got a Hold on Me by Etta James.

Dinosaur of the Day: Brachylophosaurus (Excerpt from by Jennifer Viegas)

"Brachylophosaurus may be its official name, but many affectionately know 

this relatively "new" dinosaur as "Elvis," due to its unusual head crest that 

resembles the famous rock 'n roll singer’s hair. Fossil collector and 

paleontologist Charles Sternberg first the dinosaur described it in 1953. No 

other specimens existed until noted dinosaur expert Jack Horner identified 

another Brachylophosaurus skeleton from Montana’s Judith River Formation 

during the 1980s."

1 comment:

  1. If the Mayans were so friggin insightful,wouldn't they have seen the downfall of their own civilization and prevented it? Hmmmm I wonder!! On another note, there are clues out there,you have to look for them. Prolly a good place to start is the book of Revelation.
