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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Exclamation Points, Entertainment Tonight, The Super Dome, and Beezow

We live in a world of text nowadays.  With Email, Twitter, Facebook, and texting, the world is changing.  There's never any face to face contact anymore.  I bring this up because I want to talk about the exclamation point.  We learn at a young age that this punctuation mark is used to show excitement.  Does that mean when you are writing someone a message nowadays, the amount of exclamation points you use helps to describe how excited someone is about something?  And how about all-caps typing?  Does that mean you are screaming at someone? Writing can be misunderstood so often.. It's hard to get sarcasm, and the art of delivery is taken out of the equation.  Give five different people the same text and you're going to get five different answers on what it means.  I think we are losing the art of person to person contact is what I'm trying to say.  See you don't really understand what I'm writing about.  If I was saying this in person, I'm not quite sure it would make complete sense.  I'm usually good at explaining things in my writing and I write this blog as if I was speaking but this point is hard to convey.  What I think I'm trying to say is this: sometimes things can get interpreted by something you say in writing that may not be what you meant.  If you want to talk about something important, there are better ways to do it, in person or even over the phone.  In type, every word is vital.  Everything is read.  There is no mulligan.  People are being bullied more than ever because people can hide behind a mask of a computer or phone.I'm rambling but I HOPE YOU GET WHAT I'M SAYING.

And what's the deal with entertainment news?  Is it not ridiculous.  I watched a little bit of Entertainment Tonight last night.  My first thought was do the anchors talk like that in their everyday lives?  They seem like plastic people, fake all the way down to their laughs.  Their lead story was Brad Pitt was out at some pointless awards show with a cane.  How is that a lead story to anything?  I mean seriously? People actually tune into this show daily?  And as for Brad Pitt, I don't see what the ladies see in that bum of a guy.

In sports news, I predicted that LSU was going to destroy Alabama.  For those of you who watched, you realize I was pretty wrong on that statement.  I will predict LSU will win the title next year however.  I mentioned this on Twitter while watching the game: why was there an aerial view when the game was in a dome?  The same dome that was like the Wild West during Hurricane Katrina.  People were getting raped, mugged, robbed and having the unthinkable happen to them all while avoiding the biggest storm of the decade.  Anyway, the Super Dome, now corporately called The Mercedez Benz Super Dome, which is ridiculous in its own right, had aerial coverage.  Could you imagine what the pilots of the Goodyear Blimp were saying, "Uhh get the top of that dome right there. It looks good."  It's stupid, and about advertising all over the place, it all becomes white noise you know.  Absolutely pointless.  Walk down Times Square.  Everything gets drowned out by something else, and everything comes and goes in cycles but it will be back, don't worry.  Everything's about getting you to buy their stuff.  I'm rambling again.... 

Winner of the Day: Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop.  He was arrested, and has a birth name of Jeffrey Drew Wilschke, but legally changed it to the name above.  He's charged with He's tentatively charged with carrying a concealed knife, and possession of drug paraphernalia and marijuana. You can read about him here.

Loser of the Day: Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide.  They allegedly gave some drunk dude some woman's hotel key and he ended up going into her room, took his clothes off and groped her.  Uh oh. Read more. And it looks like Gloria Alred is taking the case. Watch out Starwood. You're in deep $#!+ now!

Quote of the Day: 
"Texting is not flirting, if you don't care about me enough to say the words than that's not love, I don't like it!"-Lauren Graham

Song of the Day: Online by Brad Paisley

Fail of the Day: 

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Bop Bop looks like he has a Johnny Depp problem and that awesome beach photo is disturbing on soooo many levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
