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Friday, September 28, 2012

Relationship Advice Column: Volume 2, Edition 1 -The Relationship Food Chain

When I previously wrote regularly back in 2011, every Friday I would write a relationship advice blog.  Sometimes I would have people write in, others I would just go on some most likely confusing talk about a topic in relationships, so I thought I would bring the advice column out of retirement since today is Friday and all.  It baffles me how being attracted to someone works.  It always seems like whenever someone likes you, you could care less.  I mean you dig the attention and all but in reality you want nothing to do with them. This mostly is solved with a lot of ignoring.  On the other side you are always chasing after someone else.  You like someone but they are always ignoring you.  It seems like when looking for a mate, most people chasing after you are inferior and the people you are chasing after are superior.  It just baffles me.  Every single person who has ever dated is guilty of this.  When you ignore someone, they want you more.  When you give them attention, they pretty much want nothing to do with you.  It's just odd and I can't figure it out.  If any of you have the answer please let me know. I will call it, The Relationship Food Chain.

Why does game playing even exists?  Is it because human beings have the ability to lie.  Why do women play hard to get when all they want is to be with someone?  Why do men pretend to be into a girl when all they want is to well you all know what most men want?  Game playing makes no sense to me.  Someone is always hurt in the end.  I get that no one is ever themselves on the first date.  You are like the date version of you on steroids.  You dress the nicest on date 1.  You smell your best and you use your best jokes and never bring up your flaws.  I understand why.  It's almost like a job interview.  Everyone does it.  You may actually be yourself just like an exaggerated version.  I just wish it were easier.  I wish people were just themselves.  I want to see what you will be like on Date 12 or Date 279. As you get to know someone, little things start to show up that may annoy you.  Maybe someone licks their teeth, or taps their foot.  Stuff like that may start bothering you.  Every couple has this.  If you can fight through this and let the little things go, you're going to have a successful relationship.

Quote of the Day: Sometimes the cards we are dealt are not always fair, but you must keep smiling and moving on. -Tom Jackson

Song of the Day: Circle of Life by Elton John


  1. How about classy girl chasing after guy who is chasing after trashy girl?

    Not all girls are going after jerks. We go after who we think is a nice guy, just to find out he's a jerk in disguise.

  2. That's not what I meant. That was just the closest picture I could find related to what I was writing about. Sorry if you misunderstood. What you are stating fits my theory. You are going after him he is going after chain.

  3. It's a game because people are always searching for "something better". Most don't realize that their something better has been in front of them the entire time, until that person is gone. It's unfortunate, but you don't know what you got until it's gone.

  4. You should have claimed that you made that picture yourself. I was impressed. I thought my artistic talents were rubbing off. I should have known bc they did not resemble The Simpsons.

    Jill- You are awesome lol

  5. I think It's rooted in low self-esteem and the girl logic goes something like this: "this nice guy is crazy about me, and since I suck, he must have low standards. This jerk likes me, but treats me like crap...which means he recognizes my worthlessness, but is willing to give me a chance to earn his love. This nice guy will be there in case the other guy falls through, but in the meantime, I'll take this asshole's abuse with good humor, since something you work and suffer for is automatically more valuable than something you get for free. Is this a glaring example of female irrationality?????


    1. Hey Allison, that makes complete sense! I never looked at it that way!
