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Monday, September 24, 2012

The Police

I know I've covered this before on my blogs, but I must say this, the way cops do things just baffles me.  It's sad that I am a law abiding citizen and I hate the police.  That shouldn't be the way it works.  I am supposed to like them.  I am supposed to see them as a protector.  I am supposed to trust them to keep those who are doing wrong off the streets.  The cops do the exact opposite.  They punish those who obey the law and let those who do not off Scott-Free.  They pulled me over again.  I now must go to court for going 38 in a 25 school zone.  I will go and I will pay for the court costs because I follow the rules and the government knows that.  As many of you know, I have been on driving probation.  I have never been pulled over for a DUI.  I have never been in a car accident when it is my own fault yet my licence was on probation because I didn't go to some bull crap class that everyone there doesn't want to be there and hardly listens.  I am a safe driver.  That's a fact.  You can ask anyone who rides with me how many risks I take.  I very rarely do take a turn when there's a car within 50 feet.  Yet I have been on probation for speeding.  I know people who have been pulled over 10 times with no tickets.  I have been pulled over 6 times with 5 tickets.  I guess I rub cops the wrong way.  I am nice.  I refer to them as sir.  I do everything you are supposed to do yet I receive a ticket.  In the mean time, some people I know have done way worse on the road and receive a slap on the wrist.  I just think the system is messed up.  Now I will be going to court to get some ridiculous fine.  I just can't stand it. I feel like I'm being bullied.  That's all.

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