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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Milk makes everything better, getting lost in a maze, NOLA, and Ryan Widmer

I had a French vanilla cappuccino this morning and I am now on a cup of hot chocolate.  I always go with two packets in one cup of hot chocolate; it makes the entire cup delicious.  I also prefer it with milk although at work I am required to use just hot water.  Milk makes everything better....Cream of Wheat, name it.  Well anyway, someone on my bus today stunk so bad, I almost passed out.  You should be courteous to yourself and take care of your hygiene and if not for yourself please do it out of respect to others. On top of that I saw an ant crawling on the seat in front of me.  I thought about flicking it but I thought better of it plus the odor in the bus was so thick, the ant would've hit a wall of stink and would have fallen straight down onto me.  

So this is an interesting story....a family had to call 911 after getting lost in a maze around dusk (Thanks to reader Jill for the heads up).  The family had a newborn and they were found unharmed 25 feet inside the maze.  The Story.  There are signs up for people who get lost.  I don't know why someone would call 911 for this.  It reminds me of The Shining when they are in the maze and Jack Nicholson chases after them.  Anyway, here's a tour of the maze where the family got lost.The Tour.

So Cincinnati didn't rank in the top 20 cities for singles.  I guess that's why I am still single.  Looks like I'm heading to New Orleans, the apparent best place for singles. I'm not picky by any means...but down there in NOLA I'm guessing there are a lot of big boned ladies or red bone or whatever they call themselves.  At least I could eat a lot of jambalaya and gumbo. Jambalaya was Chris Henry's favorite dish.  Just a random fact.  Here or the 19 other cities.

Winner of the Day: The King of Bhutan.  He got married.  If you can tell me which countries border Bhutan I will write my entire blog about you on Monday (except the I believe part). Put it as a comment below here and please put your name not anonymous like number 2.Story

Loser of the Day: Ryan Widmer.  He is seeking a 4th trial.  I mean seriously, how many times must one strike out before one hangs up the cleats?  Dude, you are guilty.  You shacked up with some crazy fan while you were awaiting trial.   I do, however, believe he should be found not guilty based on reasonable doubt.  Pull out the classic, 12 Angry Men; it will inspire you.  The Story

Quote of the Day: "People don't realize this, but loneliness is underrated." -500 Days of Summer (2009)

Song of the Day: Two out of Three Ain't Bad by Meatloaf

Egyptian God of the Day: Ra. He was the most important God to the Egyptians.  He was the God of sun and had a hawk head which makes him kind of cool.


  1. We already have a winner to the contest!

  2. I was cracking up at this!! "Red bone whatever they wanna call themselves" haha

  3. Kingdom of Bhutan, is a landlocked state in South Asia, located at the eastern end of the Himalayas and bordered to the south, east and west by the Republic of India and to the north by the People's Republic of China. Bhutan is separated from the nearby country of Nepal to the west by the Indian state of Sikkim, and from Bangladesh to the south by Assam and West Bengal. And since they did not post the answer on here it DOES NOT COUNT!!!! Now write about me. "2" :) The name I go by (at times)is initialed YC

  4. Number 2 needs a life!October 13, 2011 at 2:02 PM

    First of all this is his blog so his rules.. Get a life LOSER!
    Second of all how is he supposed to write about you when he has no idea who you are...
