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Monday, October 31, 2011

The World Wide Web, Cell Phones, Myspace, Elvis, Earnhardt, and Rhodes

Happy Halloween to all of you out there on the ol world wide web.  Remember back when the internet was free?  That was nice.  I remember the first browser I ever used was Netscape Navigator t and it had like a boat wheel as it's logo. Then it was like a juno browser. Freeweb was the first internet we had.  It was 100% free.  Slower than dirt, but 100% free.  We actually really didn't know much about internet speed, so to us, it was pretty fast.  Then came the K-Mart Blue Light Internet. They had an awesome browser with like a blue light on it.  K-Mart actually gave out free internet CD's without a catch.  Well unless you count dial-up as a catch. You would be on the internet at home and someone would want to use the phone (back before house phones were outdated, too.  If you have a house phone please explain to me why.  There's no point unless you like getting bombarded with long distance calls).  Gosh I remember my first cell phone, and text messaging.  It was that long Nokia phone.

I know not as cool as the late 80's cell phones but it was still pretty bad to the bone.  I remember texting was new and I was in high school.  I would talk to people on texts all day.  I can't even remember who I was texting anymore but I thought it was the coolest thing.  Well anyway, I was like a freshman or a sophomore, still too young for a job unless I wanted to be a bagger at Kroger or a fry worker at Wendy's which I tried but after two days of torching hot conditions I quit.  Best decision I ever made.  Anyway I was on my parents' plan and it was like 10¢ (thank you anonymous 0162 for the tip on how to make the ¢ sign on a previous blog although you failed to mention that you had to use the numeric pad to enter it but what if you have a laptop without a numeric pad how does that work?).  Needless to say the texting of people I can't even remember who I was texting cost my parents lots of money so they wanted to get me this new thing called a pre-paid phone.  I wanted nothing to do with it and I talked them out of it saying I'd only use my phone for emergencies but this texting thing was so addictive.  Anyway, it turns out I was down at the Levee one night (why I was down at the Levee, I have no idea.  After years of working at that place I avoid it at all costs, but I was young and stupid back then) and I accidentally threw my phone away, which sucks because a couple of years later Bellevue came out with these awesome face plates that had like a tiger paw and Bellevue Tigers on it.  My second cell was a pre paid, the shorter, more stylish nokia.  Should I capitalize nokia or not because their actual logo or whatever doesn't have it capitalized does it?  The little one was awesome because my school pride and the advancement of really crappy midi ringtones caused me to have Notre Dame's fight song which is Bellevue's fight song as my ringtone.  I remember playing it at sporting events like a retard.  Why am I even talking about this?  I was talking about the internet.  Back to it....back when you were on dial-up internet, you would be waiting some 15 minutes for some ridiculous screen shot of some video game, or a pic of some girl you were chatting with on AIM (or for you ladies, some guy) and someone would pick up the phone and ruin your connection.  Then you have to start all over again, waiting on their phone call to end.  Our next company was NetZero but then they started charging so we moved to the monster....AOL.  AOL was great and You've Got Mail with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan was great and that awesome voice saying "You've got mail" is something everybody wanted. 

 It was back before you'd get like junk mail (spam) in your email so it was cool when you had mail because you knew it was from someone real.  Anyway, AOL was awesome.  It was like Myspace before Myspace was Myspace.  Profiles and stuff and you'd ask people a/s/l and it was fun to talk to new people, but God forbid you'd ever try to cancel them.  We finally got cable internet through Insight, but AOL basically wouldn't let us cancel.  They gave us like 6 months free, so we were like okay, because we got to use their service with our cable but like 4 months in we started trying to cancel again.  I need to tell this story because it is hilarious...Me and my friend used to think it was cool to mess with people in the AOL group chat rooms like one time we were picking on this girl who thought she was hot stuff and everything.  She was a cheerleader and all of that.  She kept saying she's hot and all that, and we kept calling her fat and stuff  and she kept firing back, so I was like, "you can keep on talking but all I hear is moo moo moo." I don't really feel bad because that chick probably picked on so many kids in her day.  That's not the story I was talking about though.  We were in a NASCAR chat room and I thought it would be funny to put..."What do Dale Earndhardt and Pink Floyd have in common?"  All the Dale fans were like, "What?" and I said, "both of their last hits was 'The Wall'"

 and apparently someone reported me because my account was blocked.  I called AOL and blamed it on my cousin who always got on my account.  They bought it so my account was reactivated.  Now I know people say way worse stuff than that online; why did mine get suspended?  Anyway, they wouldn't let us cancel so my dad had to write some massive letter to them via fax.

I have no idea what any of that has  to do with Halloween.  I was going to get into how in 2004ish Chad Mangan introduced me to these new things at college.  Myspace and facebook.  I signed up for both at the same day.  I remember always wanting something like them.  Thank God some dudes named Tom and Mark came up with something.  Anyway, I started blogging on Myspace which when I stopped using I stopped blogging for a while, but I credit them for me blogging today on here.

I want to give a shoutout to three of my fans that I must say surprised me.  I thought this was kind of geared towards a younger audience, except for Dave Slater, but I have three parents of people I am friends with that read my blog daily and I must thank you for that. Thank you to Mr. Terry Votel, Ms. Mother of Jill Manning, and Mr. Father of Nicolette Stefanopolus (I don't know if I spelled that correctly).

Winner of the Day: The St. Louis Cardinals.  I must give them credit.  One strike away from losing in game 6 and end up winning the World Series.  I still think their manager is a cheater, and Albert's juiced because no one comes back from a broken wrist that fast. In fact I'm just giving this award to Arthur Rhodes.  I'm happy he won.  He would've gotten a ring for either team though.

Loser of the Day: Josh Hamilton.  Yeah I take a lot of heat around here for not liking the dude, but here is a status explaining why...

Quote of the Day: "Why do I fall in love with woman who shows me least bit of attention?" -Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

Song of the Day: Always on My Mind by Elvis Presley

Ginger who if she fell of the face of the Earth no one would even blink of the day: Reba McIntyre

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