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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Qaddafi, naked drivers, stupid robber, teacher sex, and Al Green attacked with grits

Muammar Qaddafi is apparently dead according to unconfirmed reports.  He apparently died of wounds received while attempting to flee Sirte. Yes I'm American so I have absolutely no idea what that means or where that is. As an American I do in fact know Qaddafi, who is from a country that ignores the rule that a 'u' must follow a 'q' so that is reason enough to root against the guy, is a bad guy and it is good that he is dead.  He's murdered many people in his life so for those of you who believe in karma, here it is.  The dude was ugly too---less ugly on this planet is never a bad thing (I know readers, insert joke about me here). Anyway here is the story. Evil dictators are dying left and right nowadays.  No one is safe anymore.

In local news, police were chasing a naked driver last night.  He started his night getting naked in a Blue Ash parking lot and performing lewd sex acts.  Then the dude got chased by the cops which ended in a crash.  The guy's name is Michael Beason and he was on cocaine during this escapade.  The story is here. Sorry ladies my blog is like PG or PG-13 at worst so no nudies of the 41-year old coke-head.

Michael Beason isn't stupid enough to where his place of work on his clothes to help identify him though.  This idiot bank robber in Covington robbed a bank and let himself get photographed in the best picture I've ever seen from a security camera and he was wearing like Sprint work clothes.  He kind of resembles Daniel Fessler but I know Fessy works at the Levee so that can't be him. Read. Now.

You remember Stacy Schuler?  She's the Mason teacher accused of having sex with students or whatever.  First of all find something new to do.  This stuff is old hat and not even cool anymore.  It's just pathetic.  You, Ms. Schuler, are no Mary Kay Laterno.  Well anyway, there are like 5 students she apparently had sex with and some were on the football team. She's trying to plead not guilty for reason of insanity and she's having a bench trial, waving her right to a jury.  Read it.

The woman is a teacher in Ohio, so either way she may have to deal with all of that Issue 2 stuff or whatever. This was a topic in yesterday's blog. My comments yesterday got a little heated, so for those of you who don't read my comments, here is what you missed.....ignore the first one's; they are unrelated.


Anonymous said...
I realized that the ¢ disappeared from the keyboard a couple years ago. (I don't know when it left but that's when i discovered it) If you hold in Alt and type 0162 you can make the ¢ sign. This comment is not worth being identified for. Anonymous-0162
David Brooks said...
Thank you for the tip. I will actually use your advice so now I have yet to identify Anonymous #2, Poopsoup, and Anonymous-0162
Anonymous said...
I must admit, I agree with what you say over 90% of the time in your blogs. I enjoy reading them and am quite entertained. Especially since you don't know who I am (heh-heh-heh. Put some evil in there when you read that part. BUT, and you knew there had to be a but coming right? Teachers should get paid like everyone else who's job is important. Do it well and get more. They are charged with one of the most single important missions there are!! This will give you a hint of my age. Back when I was in school, we WERE grouped according to capabilities. Each teacher taught differently because the children they taught, learned differently. Why did that change? Why is it now the teacher that comes to school at 7am to get ready to actually teach makes the same as the teacher that gets there at 7:55 with newspaper & coffee in hand getting ready to settle for a day behind his desk web browsing?????? Seriously. Do you want the guy in the next cubicle to you to get a raise because you did? EVERYONE should be graded on performance. There are ways to do it and be fair about. They did it before, they can do it again. This is part of the "I am entitled" mentality this country has fallen under. Maybe I should start a blog. I could call it "2's Views"
David Brooks said...
Okay sir that all makes sense, yes. But I live with two teachers and they don't get paid too much anyway. It's almost like getting paid on commission. Is that the best way to ensure your kids are getting the best education? I'm not sure any teacher does it just for the paycheck. It takes a lot of commitment to make it through college with a degree in education. And it isn't a career that pays the best. The one's who go into teaching for the summer vacations or whatever usually don't make it out of college and the one's that do never get tenured. My mother works her butt off everyday to touch just one kid. Not all teachers do, but you can't pay them based on performance. Some schools have crazy students, less supplies, less materials and how do you expect them to compete with teachers up in Indian Hill? It's not fair and they should keep the scale they have in place. Teachers won't get to genuinely make a difference in a kids' life anymore because they're constantly worried about the darn kids' test scores.
Ashley Watson said...
Kudo's to your parents. I have nothing but respect for the teacher's who actually care about our youth and give more of themselves than is required. Please tell them thank you for giving a mommy hope that her child may have such wonderful teacher's as your parents. Ashley
David Brooks said...
Thank you Ashley I will pass along the message... My mother and sister will be happy to hear that there are people who appreciate it out there. My father is far from a teacher though haha.
Anonymous said...
As a teacher, I can honestly say that not a single person that I work with went into education for the paycheck. Not one. I live in KY but issue 2 bothers me because it is simply not fair. Teachers are not all lumped together on a pay scale. I can tell you that issue 2 would only make the students suffer. Some teachers do not have access to the same materials as others so their students do not have access to the resources needed. Everyone learns differently, and at different paces. What about students who do their best on tests and assessments, but simply don't do well on them? I know a lot of very intelligent people who didn't do well on standardized tests simply because of outside factors like anxiety. Not to mention students with disabilities. These students work so hard every day that they are often exhausted. They deserve to be in classrooms with their peers, not moved into a resource classroom again to color; issue 2 would cause teachers to argue about who "had to take" the students with learning disabilities because their test scores may be lower-not because the teacher didn't teach them well enough, but because the student struggles with expressive writing, or has a SLD in math. You are free to have an opinion, everyone is. Teachers and schools are held to a different standard now than they have been in the past. Administrative walkthroughs are constant, evaluations are frequent, and teachers are required to show evidence of units and lessons meeting state and national standards. Teachers are not permitted to get to school 5 minutes early and surf the internet all day. I have been in a lot of school districts and I can say that I have never seen a teacher even sit behind their desks during instructional time, they can't, there's too much information to cover. School is nothing like it used to be. It's changed since I was a student. Is it perfect? Far from it. Schools are improving.


  1. I had an iguana, lizards can carry salmonella. When my iguana was about to go to the restroom he made an eeee eeeee sound. That is unrelated to the salmonella but interesting nonetheless. Great song choice. Poor al green. Teachers who do that stuff are mentally ill. The sprint guy may have worn the uniform as a disguise to throw the cops off. The naked driver is gross but I bet the cops laughed after they got him. The dad who made the kid drive is pathetic, I hope he gets help and I hope the mother has some sense otherwise the kid may end up in Foster care.

  2. Concerning yesterdays comments. I know your mom and she is absolutely one of the BEST teachers Bellevue has or ever has had. Surprised Starnes hasn't gotten rid of her. But that's a different bunch of s4!t to say. Test scores suck. Period. The ONLY score that schools, and therefore teachers, should be looked at for are ACT/SAT scores. Teachers can be fairly graded on their performance with what they have and who they teach. I have seen it. And I agree. They DO NOT make anywhere near what they should. They should be some of the highest paid people in this country when they do the job. Also, we can't compare Ohio salaries to Ky salaries. They have more industry, population & taxable income than Ky folk so they can give more to education. Bellevue teachers could make more if so much wasn't wasted on administration crap. Ever look at Starnes' contract???? wow
