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Monday, October 10, 2011

Top 5 Bengals, I believe Monday, Guy Super glues eyes (Not Gonna lie, not my best work today)

What's up loyal readers?  I don't have much to write about today because not much has happened.  My chili eating streak ended at six days and now I must let my intestines clear up before another one of those streaks. I'm having pizza bagels for lunch today.  It brings me back to my childhood.  I may have lived on Vine Street in Dayton, but boy did we feel like we ran the world.  Everyday we'd be doing something awesome. Fishing, catching snakes, sneaking onto the football field, riding bikes, picking on Dustin, catching a yard full of dead grass on fire from lighting a firecracker, and so much more.  Life was so much simpler as a kid.  I'm 26 now, and  you know in high school where you say what you will be doing in ten years? Well, I would've never said working at an insurance company still looking for that one girl.  Gosh the experiences I went through since 2003 have made me stronger, happier, smarter, funnier, and yes ladies more attractive.  But this blog has the potential of getting really boring if I don't get started so let's do it.

I believe that the Phillies losing to the Cardinals in the first round of the playoffs proves that talent isn't everything.  There is something inside all of us; a fire that helps us propel through any obstacle God gives us as long as you don't ever give up.  I believe you should do something good for someone else each day.  Big or little.  I believe the Bengals winning another game is no longer a surprise.  These young kids are growing up fast.  I believe that even when you don't want to smile, you should still give it a shot.  I believe Hank Williams Jr. should still be working for Monday Night Football.  I believe  if you want something bad enough, you can get it.  I believe in heart, soul, and Jesus Christ.  I believe the cheese danish is the best of all danishes.  I believe the Bengals symbolize never to look back but only look forward.  I believe Crazy in Love had no business being #1 on VH1's top 100 songs of the 00's.

Top 5 Current Bengals

5. Jermaine Gresham
Dude's turning into the Tight End they wanted him to be when they drafted him in the first round.

4. Rey Maualuga
He moved to the middle this season and has patrolled one of the best defenses in the league this season.

3. Andy Dalton
Yeah he's a rookie but he made us forget about all of the Carson stuff and has 3 wins in his first 5 starts...Not bad.

2. Leon Hall
Shut down corner.  QB's don't even throw to his side anymore.

1. A.J. Green
Chad Who? This rookie is everything the Bengals wanted when they drafted him in the first round.  Made us quickly forget about the old era.

Winner of the Day: Jeremy Shockey.  Sure he's not known as the nicest guy in the world, but he saved his teammate's life as he was choking at lunch.  Read here.

Loser of the Day: This guy super glued his eyelids after thinking the super glue was eye drops.  Wow crazy. Here's the story. 

Quote of the Day: "Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for."-Erica Jong

Song of the Day: Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison

Duke fail of the Day:

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