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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Missing girls, Prostitutes stealing cars, Affleck picks pumpkins, and the word Hoss

I know that my audience is pretty devastated about the cancellation of the first two weeks of the NBA season, but I must say this...I must get over it and write the blog so you all must put it behind you and read this blog and let it be a distraction to the horrible news we got yesterday (please understand this is sarcasm).  Anyway, I was standing in the shower today, trying to figure out what to write about when I started drifting into deep thought....if I was to die today, would I be content with the way I lived my life?  I would have to say yes.  I tried my best to make the lives of friends and family better.  I haven't done anything I would regret, and I think people would remember me as I moved on to greener pastures.  As long as I achieve my goal of making at least one person smile a day, I will be okay.  Anyway, have you guys been following this missing 10 month old Missouri girl case?  The girl was last seen in her crib (crib meaning bed not slang term for house although the crib was in her house) around 10:30 p.m. and then at around 4 a.m. police were called to the home.  The police are not considering the parents suspects at the moment but I must say that something isn't adding up here.  Okay, it was the first night the husband was on third shift, and it just so happens on the very first night, the girl is kidnapped.  Secondly, the abductor took three cell phones.  Now does this family neatly stack the cell phones on a table or do you kind of have to know where they keep all three?  Thirdly the mother was home.  Did she not hear anything somehow as the abductor apparently used a window all while the chick was home.  I'm not saying the parents are guilty just that they may not be innocent.  I think the mother did it but that's just me.  Maybe it's Jon Benet Ramsey all over again; this new one is just too young to dress up creepily in toddler evening gowns for pageants.  Is this not the weirdest thing ever?  Okay this isn't weird at all let's just dress up our kids to look like adults as 40 year old weird weird men judge them.  This world is weird huh?  Little Miss Sunshine captures this really well.  I'm getting off's the story about the Missouri child.
Here's Lisa Irwin, the missing baby....who names their kid Lisa anymore anyway?  Didn't that name get retired 20 years ago?  

In more grown up news, a 22 year old prostitute (allegedly) stole a police car somehow as she was being arrested. Read Me.

So apparently this is news...Ben Affleck picked pumpkins for his kids and wife.  He looks like a bum now meaning he looks like he's from Boston where he's from.  Nice shirt though. If you care to read it.

So this isn't ghetto at all...some kids were fighting over facebook or whatever and one threatened the other and the mother was like nu uh she not gonna say dat to you over da web, and drove her kid to fight the other kid. LOLs all over. Cyber bullying is not cool kids. The story.

Winner of the Day: This 8th grader who claimed he was attacked with a knife on his way to school and then it all turned out to be all made up.  The lengths people will go to to get out of a day of school...The Story Here's a blurred picture of the kid because of legal issues or whatever. It's still clearer than those pixelated things we have to identify people by in the security cameras.

Loser of the Day: This crew of people.  There was a traffic stop and they found guns, tools, a TV and marijuana plants.  One of the people in the car then told the cops that all of that stuff came from a relative's house they had just robbed.  What a bunch of losers?  The Story.

Quote of the Day: "Living might mean taking chances, but they're worth taking. Lovin' might be a mistake, but it's worth making." -Lee Ann Womack

Song of the Day: Hey Ya by Outkast

Word of the Day: Hoss.  It's just a great word referring to a rather large person.  So I have a funny story about this word... my friend Rob got a wrong number text one day from this girl.  Well they started texting and started realizing they had a bunch of stuff in common and whatnot so they decided to meet.  The drive was about an hour from here so he took his friend Clarence with him.  They got lost so they were super late but anyway they finally found them and they were bigger than you can imagine. Clarence was supposed to meet her friend or something.  They were from my understanding very huge.  I mean Rob isn't a small guy but these heffers made him look like Travis Barker or something.  Well anyway, these chicks were from Ross, Ohio, so he referred to this woman as the Hoss from Ross.

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