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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Being Different, Crispy M&M's, and the sweet music of Ginuwine

I don't really have any topic to write about so I'm just going to go with the flow here with no real intention of getting anywhere special.  I want to give a shout out to the different people out there.  Those of you who aren't mainstream.  You know, the kid in grade school who likes to build robots instead of playing baseball.  The girl who gets smacked around by her boyfriend for not being good enough. The one's who are depressed, down on themselves.  Those of you who have no one else.  The son who can't live up to his parents' expectations or the woman who goes unnoticed around the office.  The shy ones; the ones who are loners.  The misunderstood.  The broken ones.  This one is for you.  I'm different.  Not everyone gets me and frankly I don't care.  I do what I want, and I don't think about what other people think about what I do.  Jim Henson was different.  He liked to play with puppets.  What a weirdo right?  How about Walt Disney?  "I want to build a park where all kids' wildest dreams come true."  That will never work.  Bob Dylan is different.  He has a terrible voice and could never make it in the music business.  Steve Jobs was fired by the company he created once because they thought he was too different.  Different isn't bad.  Different is good.  Why do we hate advertising?  It all drowns each other out.  If everyone was the same it would be like the movie Equilibrium or the Island to an extent.  We need different to bring the color in a black and white world, so I say express yourself.  Who cares?  I'm a pale white guy who loves rap music and I'm not scared to admit it.  I love chick flicks and pina coladas.  I'm a republican with some liberal views.  I hate censorship.  I am not gay, but I support that you can do what you want so if you float that way, do it.  I like movies that make you cry more than ones that make you laugh.  I liked George W. Bush.  If you don't like me for that, then you are pretty darn shallow.  I will talk to anybody if you need help.  Many of you know that.  I am extremely loyal, and I don't flip flop although I will actually listen.  I don't always back the most popular opinion or the most popular people.  And I don't care.  I like to make people smile more than anything in the world.  And if I get one a day, it makes my day.  Santa's sleigh runs on whether or not people believe, mine runs on smiles.  Admit to yourself who you are.  Don't always go with the popular opinion.  Be the first to speak up when everyone else is too shy.  Share who you are with others.  They could just be waiting for a clue that someone else is like them.  So this one goes out to the one guy who still watches wrestling and believes it is real and the 50 year old who still wants to try to go to college.  This one goes out to the innocent man in prison everyone else thinks is guilty but he just needs a voice.  This goes out to you.  Be different.

I can't help it,
I love the broken ones,
The ones who,
Need the most patching up.
The ones who,
Never been loved,
Never been loved,
Never been loved enough.
Maybe I see a part of me in them.
The missing piece always trying to fit in.
The shattered heart,
Hungry for a home.
No you're not alone,
I love the broken ones.
-Dia Frampton

Winner of the Day: M&M Crispies:  Thanks Nicolette for the article.  They were both of our favorite M&M's and then disappeared out of nowhere.  They were back in the news because they were on this list of 25 Foods You'll Never Be Able to Eat Again.  I wish I knew what else was on there but the site is blocked here at work.  You all remember those little pizzas that were like 10 cents and you warmed them up in the microwave?  Those things were delicious.

Loser of the Day: Jamie Hein.  Apparently she thinks she lives in Mississippi in 1963.  She posted a whites only sign on the public swimming pool for which she is a landlord.  There was a black family who moved from there to avoid any humiliation after Jamie appealed to make it legal.  There are pathetic human beings out there.

Quote of the Day: "Being different is being remembered."-Luciano Miguel Contento

Song of the Day: Differences by Ginuwine

Goblin of the Day:


  1. Here's the list David:
    1. Crispy m&m's
    2. Pepsi Blue
    3. French Toast Crunch
    4. Butterfnger BB's (These were awesome too!)
    5. Sprite Remix
    6. SURGE!!! (I think they tried to remake this with Vault : ()
    7. Magic Middles
    8. Hi-C Ecto Cooler
    9. 3D Doritos
    10. Crystal Pepsi
    11. Squeeze-its (I had forgotten all about this brand, but aren't they the ones that had jello in them at one point and the tabs you could put in it and have them change colors or flavors?)
    12. Waffle Crisps
    13. Oreo O's
    14. PB Crisps
    15. Four Loko
    16. Josta
    17. uh-oh oreo
    18. Wonder Balls
    19. PB Max
    20. Orbitz (the drink)
    21. Mountain Dew Black/Limewire
    22. Apple Fig Newtons
    23. Gatorade Gum
    24. Heinz Easy Squirt
    25. The Supersize

  2. You are a hypocrite... A lady at work is wearing raindeer antlers with bells and you are making fun of her.... She is being different. Practice what you preach Brooksy!!!!!!!!!!

  3. i am not making fun I just said she is being ridiculous lol. I embrace it but the antlers arent my thing!

  4. Brooksy Brooksy Brooksy... You are changing the story up now.. Tisk Tisk. You said the antlers are ridiculous not she is being ridiculous. And she is just being cheerful and celebrating the holiday season... She is being different like you said to be in your blog and now getting called names.... SMH!!!! =(

  5. My whole life has changed since you came in...
