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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lying, Technology, and Hairspray

Why must people mask who they are?  Why do people find the need to lie or not tell the whole truth?  I don't really get it.  Second graders are honest.  They haven't quite learned how to lie yet so they tell you straight up how they are feeling.  Life would be simpler if we all just had the mind of second graders.  We'd all be fantastic artists.  We'd live on macaroni and cheese and hot dogs. Most importantly, we'd be honest.  I don't get some people.  They are caught red-handed and still deny everything.  You learn to lie shortly after second grade.  You may break an item around your house and blame it on someone else and realize you get away with it.  Then it's like a rush.  It gets more prevalent during your teenage years where you want to go out but you don't want your parents to know where you are going so you say something completely off the wall.  Lying has become easier in the technological era.  It has become easier to hide details, to keep a poker face, to cover things up.  People lie on dating profiles, Myspace, facebook, or AIM. Lying is not necessary.  Just suck it up and admit what you're doing you know.  Admit who you are and say what you're doing.  I promise that rush you got for lying back when you were a kid, is there for when you tell the truth.  You feel good about yourself as well you should.

As technology goes, this is completely unrelated to lying, but I was helping my friend Mallory with this passage she had to read and it was about how technology is changing our lives and how we are.  If you read it you'd realize that it's true.  I remember when parents had no way of getting a hold of you while you were out.  We all didn't have cell phones like they do now.  There's no privacy anymore either. Everyone knows where you are at pretty much at all times due to social networking.  They know who you hang out with and with FourSquare and facebook, everyone knows where you are.  There are also no more private thoughts.  If I have a random thought now, I go onto Twitter, or facebook and type it out.  Bar arguments about sports are on forum comments now.  Girls go out just to take pictures of themselves for the specific purpose of putting them on facebook.  People are beginning to live for technology rather than technology living for them.  Can you say, Terminator?    Anyway for all the good technology does, there is plenty of bad. People save everything on computers now.  When our society is buried 1,000's of years from now, a lot of the best thoughts including my blog of course won't be discovered like the Egyptians or Greeks who had it all written out.  People are losing the art of writing too.  They are beginning to stop teaching cursive in school which is ridiculous in my opinion.  How will people even know how to sign the bottom of their credit card receipts?  Technology is unreliable but our society has to rely on it.  Remember Y2K?  People thought if the computers crashed the world would end and they were right.  Everything is saved on them.  With that being said, I sit in front of two computer screens everyday at work and without them this job would be difficult and I couldn't write you my blog everyday or communicate with several people I would've lost touch with.  Technology is necessary.   Just beware, don't live for technology.  Let it be background music to your life, not the whole party.

Winner of the Day: Google.  They just donated 11.5 million bucks to fight modern day slavery which is mostly sex slaves.  My beef is just that they are worth billions and 11.5 isn't enough in my opinion if you want to be serious about it. The Story.

Loser of the Day: Nikki Blonsky... Remember the remake of hairspray where John Travolta was dressed in drag?  Well Nikki was the star of the film and she fell from grace.  She no longer calls Travolta or Walken colleagues.  She sweeps up hair for a living after working at a shoe store.  What happened? Read here.

Quote of the Day: "Devote five minutes a day smiling, just smiling. And after a while, it will come naturally." -Love Happens (2009)

Song of the Day: 3-Way (The Golden Rule) by the Lonely Island Ft. Justin Timberlake and Lady Gaga

Haircut of the Day:

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