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Friday, December 16, 2011

Relationship Advice Column Edition 10, Don't force It, Top 5 things That attract me to someone, and a bear wins today!

In sports, you always here the cliche, you don't pick the year to contend, the year picks you.  Take the 2010 Cincinnati Reds for example. 

They got off to a hot start with a team that was supposed to finish middle of the pack and ended up winning the division.  You can bring in good players, expect to contend for a championship like the 2011 Philadelphia Eagles and completely blow it.

The same is true in relationships.  You can't be like "Yeah, I need a girlfriend/boyfriend," and run out on the town and force it with any old person who walks down the street.  Some of you may be saying, "Hey David, what about love at first sight?"  I am not sure if I believe in that or not, but even if I do I would say love at first sight cannot work when you are out like a tiger scouting his prey and then all of a sudden be like, "hey I like that one."  Please try not to be desperate.  I know some of you out there, are losing hope, but don't.  You don't choose when someone comes along, the relationship gods, Cupid or whatever, chooses you.  Let it happen, don't force it.  It is a huge turnoff if you do.  Just go through the process.  I'm not a fan of the game-playing stage of a potential relationship, but it does have its advantages.  You get to know the person during this stage, and you see what they are into, what you are into, and as always if they are into you, you can read it anyway.  If you are making excuses about why the person doesn't show you attention or whatever, he probably just isn't into you and move on.  The relationship gods say it wasn't meant to be.  Timing has to be right for a relationship to work (yes April, in this section I'm paraphrasing our conversation about previous relationships.  Thank you) and the people involved have to be at the exact right moments in their lives, otherwise it's like trying to fit a square peg into a circular hole.  It never will work.  Mostly, what I'm trying to say is just go out and live your life.  Have a good time.  Meet new people.  You never know when or how you are going to find that person.  It could be someone you've known for a while and just never saw it like that, or the chick next to you in line at the grocery store, or that dude at the club who's been making eye contact with you all night.  You just don't know and when it clicks, you will know.  You will feel the switch come on, and it isn't subtle.  Just let the switch come on and don't force it, because if you do you're just going to mess with your own head.  I know I give a lot of advice, but this is the one, I actually follow to a t.  I slip up on a lot of my own advice, and throw all the rules out the window when I'm going for someone, but I never feel desperate for a relationship or wanting a girlfriend just for the sake of having one.  I go with the flow, you know.  If it happens, it happens. If not, then it wasn't meant to be.

Now, last week I had planned on doing this list for you all, because it was brought up in conversation with my friend Nicolette.  I forgot to put it in the blog last week so here it is. It was a tough list to compile, so I encourage you to do the same.  Mine is for a lady, but the same could be done for a gentleman.  It's just a little exercise that may help you all narrow down what you are looking for.  It's just the Top 5 Things that attracts me to a Girl.  I usually do my countdowns in reverse order, but this one makes more sense going most important to least so I'm starting with number one.

1. Sense of humor.  She has to get mine and love one liners and she's got to be able to make me chuckle every once in a while too.  I like to laugh and make people laugh.  I can't have a relationship with someone when I tell a joke and the lady is sitting there like a statue because she doesn't get it or doesn't like the joke I tell.

2. Someone who has a little bit of an attitude. Yeah, I know what you're thinking...I'm nothing like that.  I try to avoid confrontation at all costs; I'm as patient as they come.  I like a little bit of the opposite so we can balance each other out.  I like ladies who are outgoing.  I don't mean like full out ghettofied attitude and too much is a turnoff, but I like it when a lady has a little bit of speak up for herself attitude. Don't get me wrong, I love good girls, but you know with a little bit of spice on top.  It's a little ironic that the only people I've dated have been brunettes although I do think it's just coincidental. 

3. Someone with like interests to me.  I like to play recreational sports, and I love when girls are on the sidelines cheering me on, but what really turns me on to a girl is when she's willing to play alongside me.  I've said several times, I like a lady who's willing to throw on the eye black and actually have a little bit of athletic talent.  I like a girl who knows you get four downs to get ten yards to get another first down, or the best strategy in sand volleyball is bump, set, spike.  I like a girl who loves attending sporting events like Bengals or Reds games.  They don't even have to like the same teams as me.  I like girls who like talking movies, and not just, "I like that movie," but you know get deeper, like what intrigued you and why?  I want a girl who enjoys to dance.  Not like everyday, and not even at clubs or bars but you know just with me. 

4.  Someone who is mature, not mainstream, and knows when to be serious and when not to be.  Okay this is a lot to put into one number, but maturity is important to me.  Yes, I do stupid things sometimes, but when you get to know me you know how deep I am.  I like a girl who is independent and knows who she is.  I like a girl who has gone through things in life and wasn't just pampered.  Someone who appreciates who they are.  I like people who aren't the prom queen, but more like the girl with a soul.  I want someone who knows how to have fun but also knows when to be serious.  

 5. Physical Appearance.  I have been adamant in saying those who don't believe physical attractiveness at all are naive.  You have to somewhat be into the way someone looks.  There are leagues and there is an ability to date out of your league because of the other factors I discussed above.  This isn't the most important thing to me by far.  I'm not shallow but I have to be into the way someone looks in some ways, you know.  The first thing I notice on a lady is her hair, followed by eyes (not necessarily the color).  I notice someone's style and everything like that as well.  I mentioned earlier that for some reason I've only ever dated brunettes, but I've been attracted to other hair colors, it is truly merely coincidence.

Winner of the Day: A bear.  Yeah bears hibernate in the winter or whatever but a cable guy was working and discovered a bear in a customer's basement. Read about the beast below here!

Loser of the Day: Deja Vu.  Yeah that strip club that uses a Bill Clinton sound-a-like on their radio ads is closing its doors after it was found guilty on 10 counts of illegally operating a sexually oriented business... Read specifically why here.

  Quote of the Day: If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” -Mother Teresa

Song of the Day: Check Yes or No by George Strait

Humorous pick up Fail of the Day:

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