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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Carrie Underwood Review, Pearl Harbor Day, and eye black legends

So, I hope everyone had a fabulous St. Nick's day.  The jolly old man brought me a tie conveniently for the show I was to attend in the evening and two used albums: Smokey Robinson & the Miracles Greatest Hits Vol. 2 and The Temptations 25th Anniversary Album.  I spent my St. Nick's Day attending my company's Christmas party.  If you read yesterday, you'd know that the talent was Carrie Underwood.  I know I was all about Team Kelly yesterday, but hearing Carrie's voice live makes me want to change my mind.  Her voice was amazing.  It felt like every time she hit a note, she was cheating on her husband with me.  I will have plenty of pictures up later on that I will post on the blog once I upload them from the actual good camera I used, but for now here's a ridiculous photo of Carrie from my cell phone. 

Here's my review:  It was the most unique concert I've ever been to because it felt private.  You aren't sharing the moment with an arena full of people, but just with coworkers and close friends/family.  With that being said, the audience was stiff.  No one really got into it like it was a real concert which kind of took away from the experience.  Everyone was all tight, which makes a little sense since you are in the presence of bosses but I wish people would've sang along, clapped along, and cheered like we were at a concert.  Now, the whole thing was free and I had a spectacular view and Carrie is a talented person, who just won female artist of the year the night before, so I have no complaints.  I had a stupendous time and I got to dress up which I love to do.  The food after was great and who could complain about free drinks?  The Carl Lindner memorial video was very touching and actually brought a tear to my eyes.  Carrie sang every song that I knew of hers except for her cover of Home Sweet Home and that new Mamma's Song.  I wish she would've sang Home Sweet Home because I love Motley Crue, but only for selfish reasons and I'm being very nit picky.  It's what you are supposed to do it a review.  She gave no encore, but the people didn't cheer enough to get one quite frankly so she was right not to.  I respect her because when she talks she seems very down to Earth and very sweet. It's not a persona she just makes up for cameras.  That's really her.  She was a journalism major...I love that.  I was a journalism minor.  She was in college wondering what she was going to do with her life, and she decided to try out for American Idol and it changed her life.  She's married to an NHL star, and that dude is a lucky man because he's married to a beautiful lady with an amazing voice and personality.  She just seems like someone who'd hang out with you, you know. She's not one of those stuck up, I'm better than you people.  I think it's because 6 years ago she was in our shoes.  She sang her heart out at this gig too.  Like, she just was at this big country awards show the night before and then came up here and sang her heart out for a few thousand people the night after. I really appreciate her and Great American for throwing the party.  Carl Lindner is one of the most amazing men to live to start this years ago, having many great artists like Carrie perform for his employees and employees reflect their leader.  Carl was a great man.  Cincinnati lost a great man who touched people.  He has already changed my life for the better and I never met the man.  I appreciate everything he has done, and I hope his sons can continue the tradition of the Christmas party.  It won't be the same without Carl but the party can be thrown in his memory.  I am grateful for everything Great American does for me.  Sometimes I sit back and say, "Do I really deserve this?"   But anyway I'm getting off track...Now for my grade of the Carrie Underwood concert:

Voice- A
Outfit- A- 
Song Selection- A
Audience Interaction- C-
Audience Involvement- D+
Band- B
Lyrics- A+
Performance- A
Overall- B+

Winner of the Day: America.  On this day, back in 1941, "...a day that will live in infamy," according to FDR, Pearl Harbor was bombed and ambushed by the Japanese.  353 planes attacked the Harbor, sinking four battleships.  2,402 Americans were killed that day, the largest of any attack on American soil until September 11, 2001.  America declared war on Japan after the attack of Pearl Harbor, who awoke the sleeping giant that is our country and of course the rest is history.  A crappy movie with Josh Hartnett and Ben Affleck was made about it and Ben's huge white teeth distract you from the movie, which is about an hour too long, but anyway  shout out to anyone in the military.  I'm proud of each and every one of you. I know it's cliche but you are my heroes. 

Loser of the Day:  The neighbor of Jinx.  Jinx was an 8 year old dog who was killed by eating hotdogs stuffed with needles.  The neighbor had complained Jinx was in his yard so he decided to be cruel and do this.  It's horrific.  Read the article for details.

Quote of the Day: "Press on: Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.  Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.  Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.  Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."-Carl Lindner

Song of the Day: Jesus Take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood

Eye black Legend of the Day: John Randle

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