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Friday, December 23, 2011

Things I'd Rather do than Watch A Harry Potter Marathon + Merry Christmas

I know Fridays are normally for relationship advice, but things are different today.  Today is Christmas Eve Eve. This is not a politically correct blog.  I was raised at a time when we could celebrate Christmas without getting in trouble so Merry Christmas to all of my readers out there.  With that being said, I do not discriminate if you are Jewish, Buddhist, Scientologist, Atheist or whatever.  Your beliefs are your beliefs and if you want to say Happy Hanukkah, Happy Festivus, Happy Kwanzaa or whatever I'm cool with that.  You have a right to believe or not believe; to celebrate or not to celebrate.  I always felt bad growing up for that one kid in your class who couldn't celebrate because he was a Jehovah's Witness.  It was his parent's beliefs and he had to not take a cupcake when it was someone's birthday and leave the room when exchanging Christmas gifts or Valentine's Day cards.  No matter what religion you are, I don't see how it is a sin to celebrate.  Anyway, Merry Christmas to you all out there.  I'm not going to say Happy Holidays.  I hated when they changed Christmas Ball to Winter Ball, and Christmas Break to Winter Break in school.  I told you recently I am a Republican with a lot of liberal views but this is one where my conservative views come to the forefront.  No disrespect to other religions or those of you who don't believe in God, because I'm truly not trying to disrespect you.  I am merely trying to celebrate the holiday for the religion I am.  I don't think I should be frowned upon to say, have a merry Christmas to someone.  

Now that my Merry Christmas is out of the way, I must state, that today could actually be Jesus' birthday and here I am working on this day.  No one knows exactly when Jesus was born, they just know that it was around this time.  Basically his real birthday could be December 23.  The whole week could be the birth of Christ so make the whole thing a holiday.  I wear Jesus around my neck every day. I could be working through his birthday.  It makes no sense.  At least I'm allowed to wear jeans today.  What's the big excitement about jeans anyway?  Khakis truly don't feel that much different yet everyone gets pumped whenever it is announced it's jeans day.  It's like when you're a kid you are tricked into doing chores because you're lead to believe they are fun.  Jeans are nothing special.  Now if they made sweatpants Fridays I'd be excited for that.

I know this isn't Christmas related but I had to bring this to light.  My sister and my cousin, who shall remain nameless, watched a Harry Potter marathon the other night.  I'm not a reader and I never saw any of the movies besides Harry Potter 2 and one of the times was so I could say I watched it before everyone else (I saw the screening).  I had a 105.1 fever that day and fell asleep halfway through.  The second time I took Stu and Alan to see it and fell asleep again.  I base my liking of Harry Potter on that.  I started thinking, what would I rather do than watch a Harry Potter Marathon?  Here are a few things:

1. Watch Women's Motocross.  This may be the worst "sport" on television but I'd rather watch that than 7,000 hours of Harry Potter movies.

2. Eat a raw onion. I would at least cry unlike watching all of Harry's friends expire in the movies.

3. Date Large Marge from Pee Wee's Big Adventure.  It can't be as bad as it seems.

4. Bring the Phathead Shuffle out of retirement.  If I had to do it to keep me from watching Harry Potter, I'm all in.

5. Spend the day with a ginger.  I know it pains me to say it.

So you get the point.  Basically the only thing I wouldn't rather do is watch a Twilight marathon.

Winner of the Day: Brazilian baby is born healthy with two heads.  They say two is better than one right? Read.

Loser of the Day: Liver.  It's the number one food Olympians are told to avoid.  it could cause them to test positive on a drug screen. Read it.
Quote of the Day: "Christmas gift suggestions: to your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect."-Oren Arnold

Song of the day: The Christmas song by Nat King Cole

Beetle of the Day: The Dung Beetle. 

Dung beetles are those which feed partly or exclusively on feces. Most of these species belong to the subfamilies Scarabaeinae and Aphodiinae of the family Scarabaeidae. As most species of Scarabaeinae feed exclusively on dung, that subfamily is often dubbed true dung beetles. There are dung-feeding beetles which belong to other families, such as the Geotrupidae (the earth-boring dung beetle).
The Scarabaeinae alone comprises more than 5,050 species. Many dung beetles, known as rollers, are noted for rolling dung into spherical balls, which are used as a food source or brooding chambers. Other dung beetles, known as tunnellers, bury the dung wherever they find it. A third group, the dwellers, neither roll nor burrow; they simply live in manure.

I do wish everyone a Happy Holidays, no matter your religion, but Merry Christmas to everyone!  I will not be writing again until Tuesday.  Please be patient.  I promise I will be back!


  1. Harry Potter is awesome, you never really gave it a chance. The 2nd movie is the worst of them. And you hate books so I can't expect you to really give it a fair shot. Merry Christmas, David!

  2. Yeah because shoving your fictional based views in peoples faces is okay.

  3. First of all anonymous, way to state a strong opinion hiding behind a's "fictionally based" and secondly where is the fiction? Has there ever been proof God doesn't exist? Not a single scientist has disproved the existence. Have I struggled with belief before? Yes I have. It's a theory. Jesus did exist. There is proof. Some of what he is said to have done may not be proved but the guy did exist and if we want to celebrate the birth of Christ we can. Also I'm not forcing them upon anyone. You don't have to read this blog. I also stated in it, I respect your beliefs or non beliefs. You can believe what you want. I don't care. I just want the right to say Merry Christmas. You are misunderstanding the whole point there. I've been through a lot more than you will ever believe and my faith has gotten me through a lot of it. There are too many coincidences in this world to not believe, in my opinion. I don't believe it happened like the bible states, but I believe in God. It's better than let's sit here, be miserable, and believe this is the end after we die. This man on my necklace has saved my life. With nothing to latch on to, I would be long gone. I wrote this not about religion but about freedom to say what you want. You are turning it into religion.

  4. I,for one,happen to appreciate your views on this. That's what this country is founded upon.I am a christian,but I don't get mad at a satanist,because in this country, you can believe in whatever you feel.It does crack me up though when christians get upset that some people don't want to believe in Jesus!Hey people ,they didn't believe Him when he was right in front of their face,so why are you tripin'?
