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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I'm not asking for much this Christmas. I know in the past you've come through.  I remember when I was five years old you got me a Nintendo which I loved more than anything. I'm not asking for anything tangible this Christmas. I don't know if you are a football fan or not, but I come from Cincinnati, a haven for high school football.  There is a lot of talent around here. Our pro team, however, hasn't been doing so good.  Since 1990, they've only made the playoffs twice: 2005, and 2009.  The 2005 team was an offensive powerhouse with Carson, T.J., Chad, Rudi, and Chris Henry.  The offense carried them all the way to a home playoff game.  On their second offensive play, the Bengals completed a 61 yard pass to Chris Henry.  This was against their rival, the Pittsburgh Steelers.  The stadium was going crazy.  By stadium I mean the people in it.  They were jolly like your old soul is jolly.  Then they saw.  Carson, the 2003 first overall pick, lying helpless on the ground.  He was done (along with Henry), and so were the Bengals' chances of winning.  In 2009, they surprisingly made the playoffs after a tough year.  Chris Henry, died tragically in an accident and the team thrived through the spirit of Chris.  They went 6-0 in the division, but folded in their first round game.  Santa, I'm telling you this because as a lifelong fan I am asking you this, will you let the Bengals win out and have the Jets lose one of their next two?  I don't know if you're like God and if people pray to you, you can help them, but it's silly to ask God for help since he's busy with way more important things.  These are good guys.  They aren't punks like T.J. or showoffs like Chad.  I know the quarterback is a ginger, but he is also very friendly.  He throws the ball to A.J. Green who will be a superstar in this league for years.  He's a down to earth kid who gives his all on every play.  He's not a diva like most receivers.  The defense is filled with awesome Samoans and lunch pail guys.  They're big huge guys like you Santa.  You'd like the Samoans.  They have pig roasts all the time and refuse to cut their hair.  Just give them  a chance to make the playoffs.  They get no fan support.  They can't fill up their stadium.  They are like that kid on the playground that's chosen last.  They are expected to fail.  They were 32 out of 32 in power rankings to start the year.  Now they are fighting for a playoff spot.  Please Santa, help them.

On a more serious note, will you please keep my family and friends healthy.  I don't care what you do to me; I can take it.  Kelly Clarkson says, "God will never give you anything you can't handle." so I'm good.  Just keep everyone else in my life healthy.  The people I surround myself with are good people.  I see good in all of them.  Some of them may have been on the naughty list a time or two but they're still good people.  They mean well.  Just talk to people.  Everyone's the same Santa, you know that.  Not the same as in personalities or looks because that would be ridiculous, but as in everybody wants to be loved.  Just take some time and talk to them.  Everyone from the gothic kids with piercings and trench coats, to the hippies, to the athletes, to the businessmen, to the homeless, to the blue collar, to the white collar, to the poor, to the rich--they all just want to be talked to.  Just listen to them.  Look behind the makeup and the wanting attention, they'll all talk to you on another level.  And give them all what they want if you can.  I know I'm getting off topic, but it's not just about family and friends, Christmas is about everyone.  Give everyone something.  There is evil in this world, but I look at some people like Sour Patch Kids, sour on the outside, but once you chew for a while they get sweet.  Forgiveness is something taught to me in How The Grinch Stole Christmas, and no matter how bad you have to learn how to forgive.  I think I have done that.  I have been the best I could this year, Santa.  I had a roller coaster of a year, from going to the hospital to having no insurance to making new friends and keeping the old.  I've mended as many fences as I could and I tried to help anyone who needed it.  I know every choice I made wasn't the best, but I try and I hope that I can make the good list this year.  If both of these requests aren't possible I understand...I know you are a busy man with the Coca-Cola commercials, and getting through all of those ridiculous TSA checkpoints.  I just appreciate taking the time to read this letter. Merry Christmas Santa.

-David Brooks

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