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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Carl Lindner, a kid for a car, bullies, and The Colossus of Rhodes

Carl Lindner Jr. (1919-2011), 92,  passed away this morning after an emergency call about chest pains and a weak pulse. This is sad news for the city of Cincinnati and even more so for my company, Great American Insurance.  He started out with his brothers and co-founded UDF, you know the moo malts?  Yep that was him.  He then started an insurance company, originally called German American Insurance company but changed the name to Great American Insurance during the World War II stuff (thank you orientation for me knowing that). Anyway, he went on to control Chiquita and then owned the Reds for a short period of time.  He bought them because an out of town businessman showed interest in buying the Reds from Marge Schott and planned on moving the team.  Carl was like I'm not having that.  I'm a rich dude. We are going to keep the Reds in the birthplace of professional baseball and my hometown...Cincinnati.  I remember back when the Reds were about to move out of town.  That would've been one of the biggest travesties in baseball.  A lot of people are upset that the Cincinnati Reds aren't the only team to play on Opening Day anymore (well them and their opponent).  Just imagine the uproar had they have moved.  Thanks to Carl Lindner we never had to worry about that.  Now he wasn't the best owner in the world.  He was a business guy not a baseball guy, but he saved baseball in Cincinnati and that alone makes him a hero in my eyes.  Without Carl, I wouldn't be working in the tallest building in Cincinnati with one of the most gorgeous views of the city anyone can get.  This is single handedly the best company I've worked for.  They are so nice to their employees and it is a pleasure to come into work everyday.  It's just a reflection of the great leader we had in this company. Carl you truly will be missed.  You are a Cincinnati legend; as classic as chili, goetta, flying pigs, and the Reds.  May you rest in peace sir.  You deserve it. Read more about Carl from 

There is no proper way to transition from such a somber story, but here is something absolutely sad, perverted, evil, and any other terrible word you can think of.... So this couple bought a car from a used car salesman.  No big deal.  They started getting behind on payments...They wanted to keep the car, so what do you do? Get a second job?  Sell unwanted items on ebay? Naaa. Try offering your 14-year old daughter for sex.  the used car guy accepted the deal and now all three are in jail.  How screwed up is that.  They all have molestation charges against them, and I'm shocked the parents aren't charged with some sort of underage prostitution and how does the girl feel about all of this?  She's got to be messed up beyond repair now. Her parents have been ordered to have no contact for 20 years.  What a strange story. You have to read it.

Winner of the Day: Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.  He won best cameo at the Scream Awards which apparently is in its 6th year.  It honors the best in comic book, horror, and sci-fi movies and television.  The thing airs on Spike TV.  I haven't seen X-Men: First Class yet but I hear it is worth seeing. A list of all the winners.

Loser of the Day: 40% of kids, because apparently they keep getting bullied. Stand up for yourselves guys and you out there bullying them, I'm being serious here... Get to know the kids.  Most people have the same interests as you.  I've been friends with people who dress in all black, have tattoos or piercings in places you can't imagine.  I've been friends with people who smell and people who are really smart.  Don't bully.  Everyone's the same. Seriously there's no point.  That being said these kids also have to have a sense of humor about themselves.  People will stop picking on you if you joke about yourself with them.  They get no pleasure in it.... Read Me. 

Quote of the Day:  "I don't scratch my head unless it itches and I don't dance unless I hear some music. I will not be intimidated. That's just the way it is."-Denzel Washington as Herman Boone in Remember the Titans

Song of the Day: Bounce Wit Me by Lil Bow Wow

Ancient Wonder of the World of the day: The Colossus of Rhodes. Description from 

The Colossus of Rhodes: Representing the Greek God Helios, the Colossus of Rhodes, is located on the Greek Island of Rhodes. Standing at 107 ft tall, the statue was the tallest statue of the ancient world. The statue stood for 56 years before it was hit by the 226 BC Rhodes earthquake. The Statue suffered significant damage snapping at the knees and tumbling over on to the land. Offers were made to have it rebuilt but the oracle of Delphi made the Rhodians fearful that they had offended Helios, and they declined to rebuild it.