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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What is a Douchebag (Top 5)? Verizon sucks, Amanda Knox is free, and Japanese Toys are weird


Now for the actual blog.... so what defines douchebag?  Not the woman cleaner out thing, but like someone you call a douchebag? It is someone who would call themselves "all that and a bag of chips."  It is someone who spikes up their hair with twice as much gel than they actually need.  It's someone who thinks they are high and mighty and can get away with anything.  It's the surfer dude with long blonde hair.  It's the Jersey Shore cast.  It is the guy who is all over you in those drunken pics.  It's any white boy whoever played for Duke.  It is the fraternity guys with the extra thick sideburns and stupid clothing.  It is the shirtless guys who show off their stupid barbed wire tattoos. It is mostly white people although there are a select few blacks who would be considered douchebags (Kanye West, Chad Ochocinco).  It is the guy with frosted tip highlights.  It is the guy at the basketball courts who plays in a polo shirt.  It is the guy you'd never have an intelligent conversation with.  It is somehow someone who ladies get attracted to. So now that we know what a douchebag is, let's run through the top 5 biggest douchebags in Hollywood...

5. The male cast of Jersey Shore
They are too stupid to be credited as individuals.  They have it all, the gay hair, the gay tattoos, the mistreatment of women, the stupid smiles, and the "my shit don't stink" mentality.

4. Ashton Kutcher
If you have a name like Ashton, it is likely you will make this list.  The guy finds himself funny, but I just think he's stupid.  He stole Bruce's wife from him and walks around like he runs the town.  Until he was signed on to Two and Half Men, his career had fainted so terribly he was on camera commercials.  He's got the douchebag hair look to top it off.

3. Jeremy Piven.  Oh I'm cool because I'm on Entourage.  I'm a celebrity.  I have a cool voice.  I'm a really cool person and the ladies love me.  Get off your high horse dude, you suck.  Just look at you; you have one of those faces everyone wants to punch in the face.  This hat just makes him look like a jack ass too.

3. Kevin Federline.
Yes it is a stretch to call this ridiculous human being a celebrity but God I needed an excuse to remind the public of this scum of the earth.  First of all he's a white rapper.  Don't even get me started on those.  Secondly, he hangs around in wife beaters and he's a horrible father.  He has a gay nickname, K-Fed.  He married Britney Spears at the height of her insanity.  He thinks he can dance.  And apparently he considers himself a "pimp."

2. Kanye West.
The Taylor Swift stuff was a little over the top.  He calls himself awesome and he thinks he runs the town.  He makes black men relevant in the douchebag conversation.  The glasses.  The stupid haircuts.  The political comments when he has no clue what he is speaking about.  The smirk.  His music is okay, but his life isn't.  Hey cameraman take a picture of me looking fly with this cigar.

1. John Mayer.
There are so many reasons.  His hair.  His handling of women.  His refusal to date black women even though they are apparently all over him according to the douche.  His music.  His "I'm God" persona.  His life.  His guitar.  His face.  His attitude.  His belief that vaginas are attracted to him.  I could go on and on and on.

So I'm getting fed up with Verizon.  A little over a month ago, my original Droid was falling apart.  It wouldn't charge right and the keys kept falling off.  I took it in wanting to get the Droid 3.  The store was out of the 3 so I went with the HTC Merge instead.  The guy said it was a better deal anyway.  Then a month into it, the cover kept popping off and out of nowhere it stopped reading my SD card not allowing me to take pictures.  If you know me, you'd know that I am a fan of taking photos.  So I went into exchange it and they were out of stock nationwide.  The guy said call him back in about a week.  I called maybe 7 times and he was always busy so I eventually went back in and I was fed up so the guy exchanged it for a droid 3 (a different guy).  He said the Droid 3 was actually better.  Whatever.  Anyway, I got the replacement a couple days later my Droid 3 arrived and it was all messed up.  It didn't charge properly,and went into roaming every half an hour or so.  I went back in the next day and they dialed *228 and said the roaming should be fixed.  Not really.  It still didn't work and on top of everything my cover was broken when they gave it to me.  I went back in last night and they ordered me another Droid 3. TO BE CONTINUED I GUESS... It's getting very frustrating.

WINNER OF THE DAY: Amanda Knox.  She was released from prison in Italy where she was accused along with her boyfriend of raping and murdering a British roommate. The Story

LOSER OF THE DAY: OHIO STATE.  3 players were suspended for getting paid too much money at summer jobs. Shocker? No.  Players should get paid for college athletics but thats just me.The story.

Quote of the Day: "Never hate your enemies, it affects your judgement." -The Godfather (1972)

Song of the Day: Someone Like You by Adele.

Weird Japanese Toy of the Day:


  1. David, David, athletes DO get paid for playing. It is called an EDUCATION. It may not be the same good education that say, maybe you got because they are there to play. BUT, it is still payment for playing the game. Unless of course your white and play for Duke. That's just welfare. "2"

  2. Okay valid point, but all the practice time they put in, it truly is hard for them to hold jobs and they make billions of dollars. Jerseys, billboards, video games. Their likeness is sold. Also any other college student can go out and make money in their career while they are still in school why cant the atheltes? It's all bull crap
