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Friday, October 7, 2011

Relationship Advice Column Edition 4, WHAT IS LOVE?

Today is relationship advice day so what better to write about than the one ingredient every relationship needs.  Sure relationships need trust and honesty and faithfullness and all of that but they all float under one banner, LOVE.  Remember Haddaway?  In 1993 he had a hit song called, "What is Love" and people before and after him have been asking the same question.  So what is love?  Webster's defines love as  especially, devoted attachment to, or tender or passionate affection for, one of the opposite sex.  Well that and a score of a "0" in tennis.  But anyway love means more than a book of definitions can give us.  What does love mean?  According to the 1970 classic, A Love Story, "Love means never having to say you're sorry."  I'm not quite sure that's it either.  Ruben Studdard would have beef with that definition. Love in all honesty means something different to each and every one of us.  I asked female friends of mine yesterday to answer and in the paragraph breaks I will list their answers for you.  All are very well thought out, and all different and unique to the person.

Love - is when you can look at that one person and everything around you becomes still and at the one moment you can vision yourself being with that one person for the rest of your life.-Mallory Reynolds

It's knowing everything, good and bad, about a person and still find yourself wanting to be with them every minute.-Elizabeth Baker

Love is being able to care for someone unconditionally-Taylor McIntyre

I guess I would say a feeling or emotion that people feel involving deep caring, affection and respect for another person, whether it is romantic or familial love.-Chelsea Fischer

Love is looking at someone and not being afraid of what the future holds, as long as they are by your side.-Dawnisha Woods

Love is when someone is more important to you than yourself, and you know you're a better person for it.-Megan Greis

I limited the ladies to one sentence but it would make a boring blog if I only went with one sentence so here is my take on love... Love makes you do crazy things.  Love is blind.  Love is when your significant other walks into a room of crowded people and everyone else becomes a blur.  Love is when you smile just thinking of her (I will use her but feel free to substitute him).  Love, as Catherine Kessen says is, "when you get butterfliles for absolutely no reason at all." Love makes you throw all of the rules out of the window.  Love makes your heart pound just because.  Love will make you turn your back on your best friend if he puts her down. Yes,a Percy Sledge quote.  Love will be your best friend when you need it to.  Love isn't always easy, but it's working through the hard times.  Love conquers all.  It's your sun on a rainy day; your storm in the middle of a drought.  It is the perfect line in a poem and staying up all night just because you can't get enough of her.  You miss her as soon as you leave and you are whipped but you don't care.  It doesn't matter what your friends say.  Love is a verb and a noun, but love is much more.

Since I am getting married I have had to go through a bunch of readings and I am sick of the cliché crap about love being patient and kind.  While love should be those things sometimes it isn’t all of the time Love is hard work love is having commitment Love is being willing to compromise. Love is being able to share.  Love is having trust. Love isn’t a joke.  Being in love is serious.-Stacie Daines (She broke the one sentence rule but that's okay).

Love is loving someone inspite of their flaws.-Ashley Watson

Love is simply a misconception of lust.-Anonymous

I see love as indefinable really... No love ever feels the same, some love is stronger than others, and it is a definitive part of what we are and what we become-Shanel Samuel

Trusting someone completely and feeling like there is nothing else that matters when you're with them. Sense of happiness and completion (?). When you get butterfliles for absolutely no reason at all, and not needing to know why you love them, just that you do.-Cat Kessen

Finding someone who is worth the risk of ultimate heartache but knowing somewhere deep down inside that they would never hurt you, trusting that faith and fate have dealt you the right cards is harder than you think.-Kate Dawes

When it comes down to it, love is living your life not for me, but for we.  It is doing something different each day just to see her smile again.  It is trusting someone with all of your heart and forgiveness when she makes a mistake.  It's someone who gets every joke you tell. It's  when everything makes sense to her even when it doesn't to anyone else.  It's the feeling you get today, that gets even stronger tomorrow.  It is an old man and an old woman rocking together on the front porch.  It's the high school sweetheart that you grow up to marry.  It is the first slow dance.  It's eating burnt dinners just to see her smile.  It's being honest and loyal and giving your whole heart.  It is believing in something greater than you but also being fully committed.  It is making her cry about what you say in a card.  It's picking wild flowers because you thought of her when you saw them.  It's care.  It's compassion.  It's believing.  It is true.  It is a journey.  It's thinking of her before you go to sleep and the first thing you think of when you wake up.  It is puppy love but also get through the rough times love.  It's overcoming speed bumps but seeing the sparkle in her eye the whole way through.  It makes your day everyday.  Love is love.  Nothing else matters.  I know I didn't answer all of your questions about love but in order for a relationship to work, you need love so I defined it in the best way that I could.  When you date someone, you may grow to love them, but you will know when you do.  It is an indescribable feeling.  I know I put a lot of words on this screen but none of them truly explain the feeling of love.  The term love is overused, however I can tell when someone truly means it.  So keep your heart open.  It will strike you when you least expect it.  I want to thank all of you ladies who wrote in. So what is love?  Go out there and find out.  It is the best feeling in the world. I will leave you with my favorite love song and a comic that may make you chuckle....

Song of the Day: Your Song by Elton John

Comic of the day:


  1. I know I say this every day but this is by far the best :) good job!!

  2. My readers actually wrote today's entry Nicolette I just put the icing on the cake ;)
