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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Top 6 Halloween Movies, What women will give up for Facebook, and 98 Degrees

So we are 6 days from Halloween, so I'm going to start off today's blog with my 6 favorite movies to watch on or around Halloween.

Close calls: Beetlejuice, The Addams Family, Se7en, The Shining, Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

6. Saw.  Now they are getting kind of stupid but the first one has Danny Glover and that guy from Glory and The Princess Bride and an interesting twist at the end that I did not call the first time I 'saw' it.  Yes I intended pun.  I admit it. Usually people who say no pun intended truly intend pun just like when people say no offense they actually mean offense or when people say God rest his/her soul they are about to say something horrible about a dead person.

5. The Nightmare Before Christmas.  Is this a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie?  I guess it's both.  Either way apparently it is a Disney movie because it is in Disney Scene It.  Tim Burton's name is in front of it so you know it's a weird movie from the start.  Jack the Pumpkin King is pretty awesome in this flick.  Worth watching if you haven't.

4. Halloween. Jamie Lee Curtis pre yogurt commercials is actually a decent actress and Michael Myers chases her around.  No not Shrek or Austin Powers.  A dude in a white mask.  This movie's intriguing because the evolution of horror movies is examined in this from Monsters to diseases to end of the world stuff to real life guy next door murderers.

3. The Witches. Yeah the movie based on the book by Rohld Dahl.  That dude who wrote James and the Giant peach, him.  Well this movie creeped me out as a kid.  I remember poisoned soup and kids turning into mice and kids hiding from witches in trees.  The mice thing was confusing because when I was into this movie, The Mouse and the Motorcycle and Mouse Hunt were also big hits.  Seriously though, watch this one.  I haven't seen it in years but I'm sure it would scare me just as much.  Maybe not.  I just remember how disgusting the main witch looked after her disguise was taken off at a witch convention.

2. Casper.  So it's not that scary, but it's fun to watch.  Yes I've been compared to the fat ghost in the movie but that's okay.  Also Christina Ricci and Devon Sawa are in this movie and as a kid I had a crush on Christina, and you ladies liked Devin.  You may know him all grown up in Final Destination or younger in Little Giants.  Devon is also in another film with Christina, Now and Then.  Some call it the female version of Stand by Me.  Christina older can be seen in Black Snake Moan, starring the legendary Sam Jackson who I forgot to add to my man crush list for some reason.

1. Hocus Pocus.  Sarah Jessica Parker before she started looking like a transvestite was in this movie along with Bette Midler.  It is the perfect Halloween movie to watch whether you are 5 or my age although I haven't seen it in years.  Gosh I should. I still remember so many lines from the movie, especially Sarah Jessica Parker's song that basically seduces the town's kids, "Come little children I'll take thee away into the land of enchantment."

Now to my other thoughts.  Last night my friend April brought up some ridiculous celebrity baby names like Apple (Gwyneth Paltrow's kid), Moon Unit and Diva Muffin (Frank Zappa's kid), Rumor (Bruce and Demi's spawn) and Bamboo (Outkast's Big Boi's son).  It got me to thinking about names and all that, which I don't think I'd want to name my kids anything that bizarre.  I used to want to name my boy if I had a son Carson Palmer Brooks.  Thank God I didn't have any kids any time last decade.  I would've hated that name.  I like older names though like Tristan or Leonitus.  In order to go with Brooks I'd need a good middle name to go with it.  For females, I am not really good at picking out names.  I'd definitely need help from the bearer of my child to help with that.  My one question is Bamboo a unisex name?

In other news, I was reading that 20 percent of women would give up sex for Facebook according to Cosmo. I'm not sure Facebook is what John Lennon had in mind when he said that the best things in life are free.   A different study said that 1/3 of Americans wouldn't give up their smart phones for just a week to continue having sex.  And a bunch of college students wouldn't even date if they didn't have to pay for textbooks.  What is this world coming to? Read it.

Winner of the Day: This two month old baby for being rescued from a Turkey earthquake.  Random fact: Benjamin Franklin wanted to make the Turkey the official bird.  If it would've been made the official bird, would we eat turkey on Thanksgiving or would we go with bald eagle?  What's with countries naming themselves after food anyway?  I'm Hungary for some Chile and Turkey.  Another random fact: When you sneeze, you lose conciseness for a brief moment. Anyway, here's the story of the baby that was saved.

Loser of the day: 98 Degrees.  Their suckiness would be enough, but one of them is actually in the news.  No not the frontman of the phone company with the worst service, Cincinnati Bell, Nick Lachey.  Not even Season 2 Dancing with the Stars champ Drew Lachey.  Remember the dude with the goatee who looked 30 when the rest of them looked like teenagers? Yeah it took me a while to remember too.  Justin Jeffre is his name.  He's as irrelevant as that one guy in the Backstreet Boys not named A.J., Kevin, Brian, or Nick. The Story.

Quote of the Day: "Charlie Brown is the one person I identify with.  C.B. is such a loser.  He wasn't even the star of his own Halloween special."  ~Chris Rock

Song of the Day: This is Halloween by Marylin Manson

Guitarist of the Day: Chuck Berry 


  1. i am not one to correct the worlds greatest blog but the baby was 2 weeks david not 2 months... they still didnt find her parents though which pretty much sucks.

  2. Thanks Kate. I will have an occasional typo. i thought that kid looked a little young for two months lol

  3. Saw is also in my list of favorite scary movies. Hate beetlejuice, too scary and weird. Charlie brown needed to jump off a bridge like 50 years ago. The bsb you didn't name is Howie. Good day.
