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Monday, October 24, 2011

Friday's Relationship Advice, I believe Monday, Hugh Grant, & H.R. Pufnstuf

First of all I want to apologize for the lack of a blog on Friday.  I know all of you ladies have your relationship advice cravings on Fridays and I let you down.  For that I am very sorry.  I will try to make up the ground today but I'm not sure if my writing will be all that great.  You be the judge.

The topic I was going to write about Friday was cheating.  And I just wrote a long drawn out three paragraphs on cheating and my google account timed out so when I went to add a photo it deleted everything I had written so here I am again from scratch.  This day is starting out fantastic.  I basically said people cheat for many reasons.  Some are not happy in their marriage or relationship.  Some like the excitement.  Some do it because they want to prove to themselves they can.  Some do it because they are perverted.  Some do it because they aren't getting pleased at home.  None of this matters though because it is not fair to the other person in the relationship if you are doing this.  I've written this before.  Love is when you devote yourself to one other person and no one else matters.  How can you care for someone that much when you are out sleeping with someone else?  Sure you get a quick little bit of fun, but afterwards you want to go back to the one that gives you security.  You don't deserve them.  I'm sorry.

To the cheaters.  If you do cheat, please have the courtesy to admit it.  Have enough respect to the person who has stood beside you through everything else to admit what you did.  You will be lucky if they care for you enough to keep you around, and they would be a better person than I would be.  People can change.  I used to believe in the line 'once a cheater, always a cheater' but I don't anymore.  You don't have to cheat forever.  You can be a better person than that.

On a side note, whats the deal with people who cheat on better looking people than who they cheat with?  Take Hugh Grant for example.  He was dating Elizabeth Hurley and cheated on her with the below prostitute.

I believe that no matter what religion you are, it still isn't proper to disrespect any other religions.  I believe the Bengals need to wear their throwback uniforms for a game.  I believe the news is pointless to watch because all they do is tell you what may harm you...the swine flu, bed bugs, anthrax, facebook, whatever.  I believe Albert Pujols is on steroids.  I believe Enrique Iglasious was the best of the Latin Explosion artists of the late '90's (unless you count the Baha Men).  I believe in eating ravoli straight out of the can but warming up SpaghettiO's.  I believe Kentucky WILL win the NCAA Tournament this year.  I believe Cincinnati should have an NBA team.  I believe in miracles.  I believe in putting others before self.  I believe New Balances are very comfortable.  

Winner of the Day: Millions of bees.  In Utah, they escaped from an overturned tractor trailer.  Unfortunately they escaped in Utah and will be "bugged" by Mormons trying to get you to join their church. The Story. 

Loser of the Day: Antrone Smith.  Who's he?  Oh just a dude accused of murdering his toddler son. Here you go.

Quote of the Day: "Do what you want, or forever wish you had." -Hairspray (2007)

Song of the Day: I Cross My Heart by George Strait

Kids show with Hidden Meaning of the Day: H.R. Pufnstuf Wikipedia of the show

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