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Monday, October 17, 2011

This girl, The Raiders want Carson and Bath Salts

Today is the day I am supposed to write a passage about the winner of the contest from Thursday.  There is some controversy with this contest as "2" brings up, but I am fairly certain as the writer of this blog I get to make the rules on who I write about.  That being said, I will write about you "2" but I can't say much because I have no idea who the hell you are.  You refuse to name yourself in your comments and all I know is that you sometimes go by Y.C. and you are male.  My two guesses for you are Branden Youtsey or Jacob Grosser.  Am I correct about either of those two guesses?

Before I get to the main course of our feast, I will mention Mindy Merritt.  She is my P.I.C. here at work.  She helps me come up with ideas for this blog and she helped me save a bird on Friday.  She failed to win the contest but she read the question wrong.  I had to mention her, because without Mindy, I couldn't do half of the things I do right now at work.  

Now for the actual winner.  Okay number 2, she didn't post the countries that border Bhutan as a comment, but she did answer the question before anyone else.  I first met this girl when I was 17 or 18.  We worked together at AMC.  I became good friends with a lot of people there.  This girl wasn't one of them.  I actually hung out with her sister more than her.  She ended up quitting that job way before me and I didn't think much of it because I rarely even spoke to her.  I then had a class with her at NKU.  We didn't sit by each other and it was a Human Nutrition class.  Of course I didn't do too well in the class.  I hated the professor in there because she would constantly talk about how you should eat healthy and this and that, and the woman was bigger than me if my memory serves me correctly.  Don't teach a human nutrition class and expect me to follow these ridiculous guidelines if your jigglypuff of a body doesn't do it yourself.  I'm not shallow by any means but this woman is one of the biggest hypocrites I have ever met.  Anyway, back to my story... I wish I would've talked to her back then to help me through the class that I had no business being in because knowing her now, I know she would've helped me through.  Let's fast forward a little bit, because if I give every detail you all will be reading for hours...Well somehow, I started talking to her.  I believe about a relationship she was in at the time and I gave some advice or something.  We bonded over our advice throughout the years, and this girl became one of my best friends.  Of course our lives got in the way and we couldn't hang out as much as we wanted, but we always made it a point to get together and discuss our lives over lunches. Lately, we have been closer than ever.  She helped me through many rough times and kept me optimistic in every situation.  She actually got me to read a book, which you have to have a lot of influence on me to get me to do that for those of you who know me.  She and I plan on doing a relationship advice book in the future.  It may be a pipe dream but I think we can really do it.  We graduated college together (along with my sister Laura.  It took me 7 years to graduate.  Don't make fun of me and yes I've heard the Tommy Boy joke way too many times in my life). This girl is one of the most beautiful and smartest girls I will ever meet and without her I wouldn't be half of the person I am today.  This blog goes out to my girl, April Reckley.

Now I must write about this because it sounds promising.  Jason Campbell got injured yesterday.  He broke is collarbone.  The Raiders are actually contenders this year and they want to win this year in Al Davis' memory.  With their starting quarterback out, they have to search for someone to fill his shoes.  Kyle Boller sucks so it's not going to be him and Terrell Pryor isn't anywhere near ready for that.  They can go after David Garrard but apparently they have someone else in mind, Carson Palmer.  Mike Brown continuously says he refuses to trade Carson but isn't it time?  A team probably willing to overpay is trying to get him, your team is doing well without him and it will get rid of the distraction. The Story!

Winner of the Day: Los Angeles.  They are lucky because Nick Lachey is moving from L.A. to Cincinnati.  Please take him back.  We do not want him here.  We do not cherish you. Read Me.

Loser of the Day: Bath Salts.  They are no longer allowed to be sold in Ohio because they are used as recreational drugs or something.  You had a good run bath salts. Hmmmm. Read it.

Quote of the Day: "If it's very painful for you to criticize your friends - you're safe in doing it. But if you take the slightest pleasure in it, that's the time to hold your tongue."- Alice Miller

Song of the Day: Leave Right Now by Will Young

Confident person of the Day:


  1. "Jigglypuff of a body" -ahhhahahahahahahahahahah!!!!

  2. YAY for Mindy and April! They are both awesome!
